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Dual Video sync problem with audio tracks

(Topic created: 09-05-2024 08:51 PM)
Galaxy S24

Dual Audio is a fabulous feature which I intend to use a great deal. However there is an irritating problem with the audio tracks, which are slightly out of sync on the two videos created, creating problems during editing. Although the time difference is small -- half of a frame interval -- this is enough to seriously degrade the sound quality if the two tracks are combined during editing.

One workaround is to discard or mute one of the tracks, and use only the other -- an easily-forgotten extra step in the workflow. Another workaround is to sync the files on the editor timeline, but this may be tricky since the normal process of shifting tracks by frame increments will not work -- it's necessary to unlink the audio from the video and then slip the audio by half a frame interval.

No such workarounds should be necessary: when the two files created are placed on the timeline of the editor, the two audio tracks should be perfectly in sync with each other. 

David Hutton

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