Original topic:

AI generated text on wallpaper.

(Topic created: 10-23-2024 08:45 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

My wallpaper on the s24 ultra is showing ai generated image even though I am using it from my own gallery. I have opted for the ambient temperature setting. Is it because of that? And is there any way to erase it from the wallpaper, if possible?

13 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
I get it. If you don't like the terms of the feature. Don't use the feature.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
I would think the only way to remove it would be to screenshot the wallpaper, efit out the text and then reapply it as the wallpaper. Although that may cause the feature to stop working, sonce the text is part of the feature.
Galaxy S24

Sorry I haven't been on the forum to give further explanation on this matter. You are getting it totally wrong. I did not edit this picture with any AI. I picked a picture from my gallery to use as my lock screen wallpaper, but I opted for the option to use photo ambient mode. This mode only adds things like weather, dims or brightens the picture according to time of day, rain particles or snow particles based on your location. The only point where AI would be used in this situation is to detect the edges around your so-called picture subject and add a splash effect, for example, with a rain particle or on a snow particle that comes into contact with said subject in the picture. I don't see how that is copyright infringement or stealing creators works or whatever you mentioned about copyright laws above. Unless my face or my dog's face belongs to another artist. But it's technically nothing to make a big issue over. I already disabled photo ambient mode because it puts a permanent water mark on my lock screen, not on the picture. I can see that the query was already marked as solved above, but it technically isn't. I've just chosen not to go through the stress of having to deal all those things. Fullstop. And thanks

Galaxy S24

Here is a better solution than cropping I suggested earlier. I just tried this on another photo and it worked. 

Once you have edited your photo how you want and have clicked save now click the pencil and then click the 4 dots bottom right and then click object eraser and circle the whole watermark, it should highlight that area just around the watermark and words and click erase. No more watermark.