Original topic:

My phone is not compatible with any other network. Not even the original carrier

(Topic created: 10-12-2023 10:20 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23

I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced a similar issue. I was also told by a few tech support people that Samsung does not immediately offer their new devices for release to carriers other than your original one until a certain amount of time is passed. Unfortunately I was told that that was October and now I'm being told it will happen in november. Not really sure I believe any of that.

I have two Samsung Galaxy s23s on my account as well as an iPhone 14. The iPhone 14 (just as new) is currently transferable to any other carrier. The two Samsung Galaxies are not. I just keep getting errors and everybody says the phones are not compatible with their network but nobody knows why. I've only had these phones for a few months but they are completely unlocked per the carrier from an FCC case. They are good to go and physically say that they are unlocked yet no one can make them work on their Network. I tried everything and called everyone several times even Samsung. Samsung unfortunately has customer service outside of the United States and they don't seem to understand my problem and I cannot get past the operator. 

Has anyone else heard of this or had such a problem? Any help would be appreciated as I've been dealing with this for a few months and getting very frustrated. I am able to leave my carrier but unfortunately the phones will not work elsewhere so I'm currently stuck in limbo. 


I forgot to clarify that even when I go on my current carriers website it says my phone is not compatible even though it is currently hooked to their Network lol!
17 Replies
Galaxy S23
Could they have been blacklisted for some reason? Normally when that happens though, the cellular service stops working.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
Not that I am aware of. Everyone I talk to says they are unlocked and ready to go. However customer service reps don't always know what they talking about unfortunately. They think they do...my phone works as well as it always has. Still connected to tmobile. I don't know how much longer they are going to let me stay though considering I had to argue to leave lol!
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23

@Danyelle75 "I was also told by a few tech support people that Samsung does not immediately offer their new devices for release to carriers other than your original one until a certain amount of time is passed."

I don't think this is done anymore. It was simply a marketing tool. For example, AT&T would provide a better contract to Samsung if they got first dibs. It had nothing to do with the physical compatibility of the phones on the network. 

What carrier did you go to? I know Spectrum is extremely picky and usually will only allow phones that they have sold the customer. 

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I was sprint now tmobile (hate them, service is worse now) I recently found that Verizon says they will take them. Still no one else. I wonder if they are paying for the early option? I want to go to Xfinity but still no luck.
Galaxy S23
I have mint
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I did contact mint mobile before Ryan Reynolds sold out and found out they said I could transfer my phones but I don't really believe the guy knew what he was talking about because he kept saying esim and that doesn't seem to be possible for the samsung. I don't think he was running my numbers. Just quoting me a price. They are however also on the T-Mobile network so I'm hoping for better service elsewhere.
Galaxy S23
You can definitely get an esim with a samsung phone depending which model you have I agree 100% with you though about tmobile
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
Maybe mint mobile would work I don't know I'm not willing to try but when I asked other companies about esim they put in the number and it still wouldn't work with that either. I'm assuming it's just whatever my original issue is. It's hard to trust some covenants service Representatives because you can tell they're reading out of a book and they don't actually know anything about the product they are selling so I was quite wary after speaking to the gentleman. He didn't have many of the answers for the questions I asked.
Galaxy S23
And when did you learn to read minds?