Original topic:

How can I disable automatic updates?

(Topic created: Thursday)
Galaxy S23
I've tried searching all over, and there seem to be absolutely no solutions for this anywhere. This is the second time an update has been forced, and it is likely going to make me late. I ended up being an hour late for work with the August update, as my phone wasn't "on" to play my alarms. I'm almost certain this will happen again with future updates. If I could even delay it by a few days I could have it install when I don't have work the next day, but that isn't even an option. This feels so scummy for them to be forcing updates like this.
11 Replies
Galaxy S23
Theres a option to schedule the update installation when you first download the update, but in terms of the auto updating you mentioned, maybe you have a setting on where it downloads over WiFi which can disabled by going in settings, software update, and than the setting for it is right there
Galaxy S23
theres no option for that, the only options are to download and install it now or view the previous update
Galaxy S23
There is actually, underneath the download and install buttonScreenshot_20241004_023906_Settings_1000011317_1728023946.png
Galaxy S23
There isn't actually, all that's there is empty space. 1728024052415.jpg
Galaxy S23
Okay weird than, i guess just update it and get it outta the way than deal with it later
Galaxy S23
The problem isnt that i dont want to update, its that when it does my alarms dont go off and im late for work. if i could postpone it by a few days or something then it wouldnt be an issue
Galaxy S23
Yeah well i guess you'll just have to deal with it, its most likely a security patch which are pretty important in themselves so just update it and than you won't have to worry about it, i know you don't want to, but it has to be done
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
You cannot turn off automatic updates. Usually when an update is available, you get a notification and you have 3 options - download and install now, schedule install or it will automatically installed on xx/xx date.

You can hit the install now option at your convenience before the automatic install or schedule it for a convenient time.

You can also just keep checking for updates and if one is available, you can once again install now or schedule it.

Since you don't have the auto download over wi-fi slider to disable, I can assume you have a carrier phone, and they disabled that function because they want all phones on their network to be updated.
If it is carrier locked, and you think it's scummy, take it up with them or buy an unlocked device which would give you more control.
Galaxy S23
Thank you, I guess I didn't realize it was a carrier issue.

I don't have any issues with updating my phone, I understand the importance of the security updates (I don't like being forced to update the UI when those updates get pushed out- but that doesn't really matter for this.) The only problem is that I can't push it back past a certain date, which is only a few days away. I unfortunately only have 1 day of the week where I actually would have time to update during the day or overnight, but since I can't push back the update to that day I'm forced to kinda just either be late or be without a phone for an hour, which isn't an option.

I only think it it's scummy that I'm not allowed basic control over a "feature" that is actively negatively affecting me, on a phone that I paid the carrier over $1000 for. I don't want to completely forego all updates or something, I just want to be able to do them when I can actually afford the time to do so. I used to be able to schedule updates for specific days, now my only option is to schedule it for a specific time on the current day, or just wait until it decides that I have time to update.

Thank you again for letting me know it's a carrier issue. I really can't afford to change carriers or buy a new phone, so that solution doesn't work for me. I will try to take it up with my carrier though I guess. Again, the ONLY issue I even have with any of this is that I don't even have the option to push it back by 3 or 4 days. That's the part I feel is scummy.