Original topic:

Feature Request to add more than 2 way split screen

(Topic created: 06-29-2024 02:55 AM)
Galaxy S23

I would like an addition to one ui to allow 3,4, and even 6 way split screen on even the base s23. just to maximize the potential of the screen area, multitasking, and processing power at times. I know this phone is capable of it. The apps in 6 way split screen may be small but some may need the extra information at times and apps can handle small windows(I think).

The minimum window size is a little too big. I think it should be smaller. This is so you can have more apps on the screen or 1 small app open in windowed while also having a full sided app. Possibly 25-33% smaller on the y and x axis? This would be ~45%-55% smaller in area.
Is there a way to add settings/dev options/ or at least good lock that enable this? At least good lock preferably.
5 Replies
Galaxy S23
If you're doing that type of work on your phone, get a laptop, secondary monitor to plug into. Straining your eyes to see something small, especially a 6 window split screen, is intense, and ridiculous you would need that on a PHONE.
Galaxy S23
6 is on the far end, at least allow 3 or 4 way split screen. Also distance from your eyes matter. I look at my phone (base s23 w 6.1" screen) from a foot or less often so my distance from the screen makes it appear bigger and I have a higher angle fov of my phone screen. I have one of those phone stands that allows me to fix my phone comfortably in space as the mechanical arm holds it in place. It feels like a tv with the bright oled. I do have nearsightedness without my glasses maybe that is why I can handle it. Built differently. I can even hold it almost to my eye (5 inch from) without getting eye strain. Maybe that's how vr works.
Galaxy S23
How do I get my screen to return back to my laptop from my TV using the split screen app
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S23

Hello Miku39,
Thank you for your interest in sharing your ideas with Samsung.  Welcome to the Samsung Community. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I can resize my app windows and have many open at once. I have done this on my note 9, note 10, note 20 ultra 5g and s22 ultra 5 g. I have opened far more then 6 just because I was curious how many I could open before issues became apparent I think I opened about 15 before the lag was unbearable and phone overheated and the battery was depleting fast. These windows were mostly high consumption gaming apps. So take that for what it's worth. Depending on your device when you go to your recent list if you tap the top center image of the app (im not good with technical terms and explaining so I'll try my best lol) and if you tap/hold on that for a second it should pop up a small menu with the options "appp info, split the screen, open in pop up, keep the app open, or pin app" it used to have small pictures before the update. Some apps can't be resized but you can go activate developer option and toggle the option to force apps to be resized and to force split screen, etc