Original topic:

Don't show Nav Bar on homescreen

(Topic created: 11-17-2023 02:15 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23

For some reason the Gesture Hint is shown on the home screen, which, in my opinion, and I feel like in many others' opinions, simply doesn't look as good. Could we just simply make it so the Nav Bar doesn't show on the home screen? Or to just add an option to remove it on the home screen, if desired.
10 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S23

@sund4ncr Try this:

  1. Open phone settings 
  2. Click on Display
  3. Click on Navigation bar
  4. Ensure that Swipe gestures is enabled
  5. Disable the option "Gesture hints". 
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I am completely aware of that. I understand I didn't clarify that in my original post, so it's fine that you didn't know. But I am not asking for that. I usually have the gesture hint off, but it would be awesome if I could have it on in apps, and it would also be lovely if the nav bar simply molded to the apps like it does on iPhone, leaving enough space for the bar at the bottom while not having to completely black out the screen. It shouldn't be that hard. I know they have wonderfully brilliant engineers over there. It's just lazy. If we could have the option to have the transparent nav bar, have it actually work with the apps instead of being kind of splotched on top of the bottom menus, as it is in most apps right now, while having it disappear on the home screen, like it does on iPhone, that would be lovely. And adding this as an option, not as just the default. Like they can still keep the option to have the gesture hint completely gone, and the menus be stretched all the way to the bottom, and then if they could also have the option to have the gesture hint work within the apps, and disappear on the home screen, that would just be cool. It would be cool to have the option, and have it look good. I know they have smart enough people and enough help *and money*, and many people would like it. I understand if you don't mind the current implementation, but I am not asking about your preferences, or anybody else's preferences. I am suggesting an implementation that I would like, and I am quite sure I am not alone in this.
Black Hole
Galaxy S23
Anything to do with the single line gesture bar has to do with Google as that is the stock Android navigation bar, which explains why it has so many baffling behaviors. The samsung one generally has fewer issues.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
Samsung has figured out how to do amazing things. I'm sure they can figure out this one. If it's something they have to work with Google about, I'm sure they have ample lines of communication to work with Google about it. It is truly baffling that it has continued to be this bad on Android for so many years when we have a shining example on the iPhone of what a navigation bar could look like. The same thing with their animations.

Edit: Stop, I can already hear you typing. "But they have to work with the developers! That's so hard!! : ((" Work with the developers then! At least for major social media and apps most people use. Stop making excuses for these companies. If you don't care how the current implementation is, I am so happy for you. Move along. I am not interested in your preferences.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
The problem too is that iPhone current has a couple dozen or so models that are currently supporting, that are basically the same three phones form factor wise. Samsung has many, many more, so makes it harder for them to implament even the smallest of changes. Plus, sometimes Samsung can't just simply copy iPhone because IP rights.

IMHO, if you want an iPhone experience, get an iPhone.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I don't want an iPhone. I want this phone to be better. I'm glad you have heard every single tech reviewer talk about how Samsung has "so many devices" and so it's so hard for them to do even the slightest of things. I believe it. I also know they are a *$369.63 billion company.* Let me repeat that. They have hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars. Not millions, billions. Even if it's "so hard for them to implement it for all their devices" they could at least give us a more premium experience for their flagship, multiple thousand dollar phones. It's just lazy. Stop making excuses.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
Like the rest of the world, I've never been an iPhone user. Guess I don't know what I'm missing and appreciate all the great features that I do have.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I'm so happy for you. As I stated before, I am not interested in the way you feel about this. I am demanding that a several hundred billion dollar company give us some slight quality of life upgrades that would make some people happy. Go be happy with what you have. I am happy for you. But I am not interested in your satisfaction with current features in the context of this post. I am simply making an *option* request from a company who is usually known for their myriad customization options. If you like the way it is, I am happy for you, but respectfully, I am not interested.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
And I you.