Original topic:

Can't copy MP3 music files from my computer to my Samsung S23 Ultra phone

(Topic created: 01-08-2024 04:00 PM)
Galaxy S23

I have 163 GB of MP3 music files on from my PC that I am trying to transfer to my S23 Ultra. All of the files were ripped from the original CDs I owned using Windows Media Player.

I have 403 GB of internal storage free space on my phone, so plenty of free space is available.  Whenever I copy the folder from my PC and paste it in the music folder in my phone's internal storage, it will give me an estimated time for the transfer (in this case approximately 4 hours) and a progress bar. However, less than 5% of the way through, the transfer progress bar disappears and when I check the files, only a small fraction of them are on my phone.  Even some of the files that transferred are missing some of the sub folders or they are missing certain songs within the folder that transferred.

I try going to the individual folder that has missing files and I try to copy the individual files and paste them to the music folder on my phone. Sometimes the individuals files will transfer, but other times my PC plays a notification sound and those missing files don't paste at all. I try again with those same missing files and my PC plays a notification sound and those missing files don't paste at all. I’m not sure what to do here or why I can't get all the files to transfer like I have done so many times on other devices in the past.

4 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
Does your PC have USB 3.0 only ports or some are USB 2.0? Try both ports if you have a choice.

Galaxy S23
Means there's an error on some files, could either be the name is too long or they're corrupt, try batch converting them without changing the quality just to eliminate that possibility and then try changing the names.
Galaxy S23

I agree …I also have a few humdred gb of ripped and leftovers from the days of Napster etc…sometimes you gotta just do a few hundred at a time

(Wish I was Amish)
Galaxy S23

Problem Solved.  It all came down to the number of characters .  When copying the music files, my phone would immediately terminate all copying, when it came upon a directory/name that exceeded their allowable number of characters.  I had to go through and copy every folder one-by-one and when it chimed and terminated copying prematurely, I knew that I had to shorten something (long song names, album names, etc.).  Once shortened, I would try again.  Eventually, it would be short enough to copy.  I did this time-consuming process with every CD/folder and now the whole collection is copied to my phone.