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(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy S22
I am almost so done with Samsung and I've been with them forever but they don't communicate on what's going on with updates and if you have an older flagship they screw you with less features and the excuse is the chip cant handle it like really and ontop of all that they have been taking forever to release this update and they said last year we are going to be sending out updates faster well that aint happening. With now brief on one ui 7.0 the S22 series won't be getting it how is a feature that gives summaries of things throughout the day i don't understand how that needs alot of power I don't get it. And another thing is they put new phones out with hardly any upgrades same specs same screen size.Alot of the same things on S24 is on S25 ultra just a different chip which I bet isn't that much of a difference they just don't want older phones to get these features pretty much trying to get you to buy a new phone I know what there doing. I'm totally disgusted with Samsung 
12 Replies
Galaxy S22
I am completely exhausted with Samsung's products. I strongly recommend upgrading to One Plus next. I believe they are systematically deceptioning consumers, as it is not possible for a mid-range phone to run the new software, and the flagship model cannot run it. The lack of communication is simply unacceptable.
Galaxy S22
I'm seriously thinking about getting a One Plus. I'm tried of paying almost a grand for a phone and your not getting High end phone specs. Where I can pay less for a mid range and get the same specs. Make it make sense šŸ¤”
Galaxy S22
I agree i missed that yea how can new midrange phones handle it but older flagships can't I know the midrange phones don't have the flagship chip in them so that goes to show that the chip don't mean anything
Galaxy S22
I had a onePlus 8 phone. Left for the 22. I honestly miss it so much.
Galaxy S22
When you read the about everything in the community, everyone has a problem and a percentage of people have the same problem but they aren't getting fixed. You say something is coming but where is it..?? A majority of us were waiting for the beta and it came and went, and now we wait for something or anything Samsung expects us to wait and wait then push out a new phone and take away something that a majority of us use and to those that don't it's okay, but what do we get in return... Yet that nothing. I'll try my hand at another brand and maybe come back when they do something with the design and go back to being different from everyone else.
Galaxy S22
Honestly samsung might be done..they will soon implement a cost for their phones because of AI which doesn't make sense because every other company AI is free..most of the ai capabilities can be done with an app or mode and rountines..they are making it much more obvious to see their scam and the silence they are giving shows that they dont care because people keep buying their product but they forget one thing...In America we will gladly go to One plus or Iphones...especially if iphone adapts to much more customization and slowly it's happening tho...One plus has surpass them in all areas including battery life and price..it's a shame because I use to like Samsung but the scamming is obvious and it seems like every update destroys the phone performance instead of improving it..it seems like they make it worst so you can trade your phone in only to be in contract for another 2 to three years...Samsung will soon be a phone of the past like Nokia
Galaxy S22
Go ahead and switch, nobody cares if you do.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
You don't need to be rude nor do you need to reply to ANYONE'S comments with rudeness. That's uncalled for and you're getting reported because of it each and every time. If you can't reply to comments in a respectful manner, DON'T REPLY AT ALL!!
Galaxy S22
Go ahead and report me. Do you really think I care. If you are offended by my comments, you have a lot of issues that you need address.