Original topic:

T-Mobile $50 discount online activation is still not working

(Topic created: 03-21-2022 10:34 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

Back during the Galaxy S22 pre-order period from Feb 12 to 14, I ran into an issue trying to take advantage of the additional $50 discount for using T-Mobile online activation.  When you select this discount, during checkout you're prompted to sign into your T-Mobile account using your phone number and PIN/passcode and it doesn't work.  You get an error that says "Something went wrong.  Please try again later."  but it never works later.  Yes, I've verified that I'm using the correct PIN so that's not the issue.  This issue was reported by another customer right after the S22 pre-order period started 5-6 weeks ago and it's still not fixed.  I work in IT and there's clearly some kind of authentication issue occurring between Samsung and T-Mobile.  Here's a screen shot of the error.


The old discussion in the community that I participated in back in February appears to have been deleted because the link to the thread doesn't work and I don't see my comments from that thread in my posting history anymore.  Samsung must have deleted the discussion because it was never fixed.

Samsung, please address this issue. 

15 Replies
Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22
Please Contact the Samsung E-commerce support team and provide them with your order number and the issue with the Tmobile offer +18007267864
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
I did that the last time and they told me to place the order without the tmobile online activation discount and promised me $55 credit for the overcharge of plus tax and then they didn't live up to their promise so I returned the phone. They credited me less. I work in information technology and this is clearly a problem with Samsung's server communicating with t-mobile's server. Samsung needs to investigate and fix it. It's not just me who had this issue. The old thread that was removed from here had a lot of participants who reported the issue. I wonder why that thread was deleted? Sounds like Samsung is trying to hide the issue instead of fixing it.
Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22
If it was a Tmobile promotion then they should have gave you the credit
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Except the customer service reps can only credit a max of 5% which was a lot less than $55 even though I was promised $55. Why can't Samsung investigate the issue and fix it? I just confirmed my PIN with Tmobile again so I know I'm entering the correct PIN on your site.
Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22
I just went to the Samsung store and then choose an s22 ultra phone Tmobile locked and it had a promotion for activation of the phone then I added it to check out and it shows the discount with a sim card in the order Screenshot_20220321-152814_Shop Samsung_892_1647890895.jpgScreenshot_20220321-152749_Shop Samsung_891_1647890869.jpg
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

Yes, I can add the promotion to my cart too.  You're clearly not understanding the issue.  After you click "checkout" button in the shopping cart, you are promoted to sign into your T-Mobile line to perform the online activation and that step is NOT WORKING.  This is the next web page you get after you checkout with the T-Mobile online activation in your cart.  



Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

Here's a link to the thread that was removed at some point so the link isn't working for me anymore.  I got this from my Samsung community email notification from Feb 14.  The title of the thread was "Pre-Order T-mobile activation issues".  Maybe you can restore the thread.  


Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22
The post is not available
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

Yes I told you that the post is not available anymore.  Someone deleted or hid the whole thread.  I have links to it in my email but it doesn't show up in my comment history under my profile on here anymore which means it was removed or hidden.  Regardless, my point of sending you the link was to prove to you that I'm not the only one who reported this issue.