Original topic:

Picking a motion photo frame other than the final one

(Topic created: 10-15-2022 02:10 AM)
Galaxy S22

I have a s22 ultra and take lots of wildlife pix. Often, the frame I like is not the last frame shown. I can view motion photo and select that frame, but when I go to edit or remaster, it always reverts to the final frame instead. How do I reset the picture to show the frame I really want?

6 Replies
Galaxy S22
Delete all other pictures in the motion capture except the one you want to keep
Galaxy S22

The problem is that when I find I find the frame I like and hit edit, it reverts to the final frame. How do I delete individual individual frames?

Galaxy S22
When you bring up the hideaway menu to get to the favorite, edit, share, delete, more options button - there should be a icon which looks like a stack of Polaroid pictures on top of eachother just above said menu on the left side (bottom left corner of the phone) press that icon and it will show you each frame individually. You can then select which shot you like best and either select it as the best shot (crown symbol) which will be the one that is selected for the editor program - or simply save that shot and edit it separately (it will be saved in the camera roll in the slot more recent than the burst shot) hope this helps.
Galaxy S22

Thank you for this clear and detailed explanation. I've tried it, and it works, sort of, but there seem to be a couple of differences from what you wrote. Perhaps they changed the software when they came out with the S22 ultra?

When I view the motion photo, I see the editing signs at the bottom as you have described, but there is no icon for a stack of Polaroid pictures, nor an icon for a Crown. What I do get is an expanded picture of the motion photo , and it lets me slide that expanded picture back-and-forth to see individual frames. And in the place where you said there will be a stack of Polaroid pictures, I get what looks like a play button surrounded by 4 corner boundaries.  If I tap that icon, it saves that image as a separate file. However it follows the original rather than precede it.

I am concerned that doing this may lose some of the detail that the original motion photo has.  The JPEG that is saved this way seems to have a smaller file size than a remastering of the original motion photo would have produced. Ideally,  The process you have described would allow me to select an individual frame and then remaster the photo based on that frame, but it doesn't seem to let me do that. But this sorta works; thanks!


Galaxy S22
Ah it seems I was mistaken as to the mode of photo taken. I too have the Ultra but I had confused the burst shot for motion photo. The process I described is if for photos taken by pressing the capture button and sliding downward allowing multiple shots to be taken in succession. Unfortunately it would seem the only way of getting specific frames out of the motion photos would be through watching the motion photo, finding the frame desired, pausing it, and using the screen capture icon that looks like a play button bordered by 4 90° angles which you mentioned. If you go into the search bar of your settings and type in "screenshots and screen recorder" you're able to access some of the settings for the screen capture such as changing the file type from JPEG to PNG which is a compression format that is able to store more digital information on a smaller scale (such as taking screen captures of a specific frame of a motion picture) therefore increasing the overall resolution/quality of the captured frame.
One thing that might explain why the file size of the JPEG which is screen captured is smaller than that of the motion photo is because although the motion photo is compressed and saved under the JPEG format it's still a type of GIF essentially. A small clip of sequential single shots all squeezed together, like 20 photos taped in a stack and you cut one from the middle free and pull it out. Although each individual picture is the same size and weight, one is a stack of 19 pictures compressed compared to the 1 picture you've taken from the stack the 19 will have more weight; i.e. information, data, overall size.
It would seem the best option for quality filtering multiple shots would be to try using the burst shot method I had originally confused it with. I know it's probably not the answer you were hoping for but I do hope it helps you out somehow.
Galaxy S22

Thanks for the additional info and clarification. I will try the burst mode instead of the motion photo, and see which one gives a better (larger resolution) result.

For as good as the s22 Ultra camera is, this is a disappointing lapse in the editing software, The single frame capture seems to have a relatively low resolution. I've begun experimenting with Google Photos as the picture editor, and early results suggests it is both easier to extract a single frame and also at a higher resolution. I'll report back when I'm more confident of the results.

My thanks to you and others on this thread! I'd Googled my question for a while with little useful results. In contrast, this forum educated me in one day!