Original topic:

Multiple software updates consecutively

(Topic created: 01-27-2025 07:00 AM)
Galaxy S22


I'm wondering if anyone's phone has updated several times a day over the last few days?

My phone has been updating everyday and so far the "update" has occurred at least 5-10 times. I don't think I missed that many updates since I have it on auto update but I'm concerned that they're a glitch that won't stop. My phone gets extremely hot and I'm also worried about long term damage because of the heat.

4 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
If you are with Verizon, then you are probably having the same problem a lot of us Galaxy owners that are with Verizon are having. It's not multiple updates. It's an issue with the January security update that Verizon sent out. For some reason, this security update is painfully slow to download and almost always fails, giving an ‘Error Code’. The error codes that I’ve seen people talking about are either 407, 412, or 500. Since you have your device set up to automatically update, it is restarting the update after it faIls, that's why it appears to be multiple updates. Verizon is aware of the problem, and they say they are working on a solution. If you are not with Verizon and are having a different problem, my apologies for rambling on about this.
Galaxy S22
No worries, it's still an explanation to what could be my problem. I do not have Verizon, I have t-mobile and bought my phone unlocked directly from Samsung
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Could be. Everybody I’ve seen talking about it so far was with Verizon, but if the problem goes all the way back to Samsung, and Verizon was just the first carrier to release the update, now that T-Mobile has started to release it, there may be a bunch of T-Mobile customers to start having the same problem. Time will tell.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy S22

Hello, Welcome to the Community. We understand how concerning it is the phone is trying to update repeatedly and getting hot.

Have you tried clearing the cache partition?

- Turn off phone
- Once off, hold down volume up and power buttons simultaneously
- When Samsung logo appears, release power button BUT KEEP HOLDING VOLUME UP until the recovery menu appears
- Use volume buttons to navigate down to clear cache (NOT CLEAR DATA/ FACTORY RESET)
- Use power button to select.

Also, try updating your phone with your computer using Smart Switch. Start with download Smart Switch for your computer by going to this link - https://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/app/smart-switch

Install the Smart Switch on your computer. Once done restart your pc to make sure that files needed are installed correctly. Then connect your phone using the cable that came with your phone to your computer. Then an option "Update" should appear.

If you are still unable to update the phone, we suggest backing up your device and doing a factory data reset. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00062029/

As an alternative, you can have the phone serviced to have the update installed. You can use the following link to find a list of service centers in the U.S. that can do the repair: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/service/location or by calling customer support at 1-800-726-7864.

For service outside the U.S., please use this link: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocationsite.html 
