Original topic:

How can I get rid of unwanted spam calls

(Topic created: Monday)
Galaxy S Phones


I am writing to discuss my issue, which is the amount of unwanted spam calls that I receive almost more frequently than I can ever imagine.

I have been informed by my personal phone provider to download some app that allows me to block these calls instantly, but that app is not very helpful to me because I still receive spam calls and unwanted calls, and I thought the whole purpose of that particular app was to PREVENT such calls from coming in, in the first place. But nothing is being done about it, I still receive unwanted calls from telemarketers located nationally, such as in other states (California, Texas, etc.), and even in my own home state of New Jersey. When it's a NJ number, I try to rack my brain as to who might this person be calling me, but I know it's just another spam call because this number is NOT listed in my Contacts list as anyone whom I may be familiar with.

That app was not helpful for me in blocking and permanently preventing these calls from coming in, so i've since uninstalled it because nothing was being done about it, and my phone's provider isn't doing anything about it, either.

What's worse enough is, on this particular block app, I would get informed that I have apparently "Allowed" unwanted or unknown numbers to contact me at random times during the day, unsolicited calls at unsolicited times. And that is NOT true. I know that when I first initially downloaded the app, I specifically stated that all numbers NOT in my contact should be BLOCKED. Only numbers that I expect to get calls from are ONLY within my Contacts, such as friends, family, relatives, etc. Only the numbers I'm familiar with and have saved. If it's an unknown caller or unwanted number, I'd have it be blocked by default, but somehow, the app is saying that I'm "allowing" such calls to come in and to filter my phone with unnecessary or unwanted calls, voicemails or messages, which doesn't make sense to me.

That's why I say that the app wasn't helpful to me because why in the Earth would I "allow" an unknown number to be calling me in the first place? I would NEVER in my entire life of breathing on this Earth "allow" any unwanted spam callers to be contacting me, or unknown numbers or contacts calling me at all. I'd never allow that, and I'm not sure why the app would say that by default, I'd "allow" such calls to come in. The app is the reason that I've received such calls like these in the past and still do now, even as of this very moment. I've since uninstalled it, but the issue is still there and it's not been resolved.

Anyone know what to do in this situation?

8 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones

Everyone gets spam calls.  You can block them either from the phone or your carrier or both.  If calls get through, they probably have not been reported as spam, so report them. In both the app and on the phone, set it to block all spam calls and calls from unknown number.  You can also configure Do Not Disturb to be on all the time and to only let calls and messages from your contacts come through.  Make sure you set it so that notifications from all apps come through. You might miss some calls from businesses who are not in your contacts, but they will go to voicemail and appear in your call log.  As to your statement that you are being told you are "allowing" unknown calls to come through, if you did not specifically turn off calls from unknown callers, they will come through if they were not previously reported as spam or fit the algorithm.   Anything you don't specifically disallow is allowed.  Keep in mind that some businesses (your cable company's rollover or private lines, physician's reminder services) would not necessarily be in your contact list, but also would not be reported as spam.  I'm pretty sure the "block unknown caller" applies to any call that is private or has no number listed on the caller ID, not necessarily those not in your contact list.


This is not a Samsung issue, so why you wrote an essay is a mystery.

Galaxy S Phones

Hello, I hardly think that 6 paragraphs count as an "essay", but whatever floats your boat.

Galaxy S Phones
You can also list your phone number on the National "Do Not Call" Registry, which is designed to stop unwanted calls from companies that actually follow the law. How effective this may be is debatable, but it can't hurt.

Galaxy S Phones
I suggest you try the Google phone app in place of the Samsung phone app. It seems to block scam calls better
Galaxy S Phones
I can confirm this from experience with both phone apps. Google is superior in terms of spam blocking.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
Calls Blacklist Pro on Google play store
Galaxy S Phones

Thank you.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
your welcome