Original topic:

Galaxy S10 boot loop issue

(Topic created: 10-02-2024 12:37 PM)
Galaxy S Phones

woke up to my galaxy S10 in a boot loop. I thought I had auto-updates turned off but according to this reddit thread a ton of people are all having this problem right now. I was told by the samsung tech support to take it to a ibreakufix near me and i called them and they pretty much said the only way to fix it is factory reset. I dont want to lose all my data? I got it to the recovery screen and tried clearing cache and rebooting from there but it didnt work. I held every combo of Power button plus volume button plus bixby and nothing worked. Is my phone a brick?

60 Replies
Galaxy S Phones

Add another user to the list. Infinite boot loop. I was able to get into the recovery mode and see that it was a security update that caused this. As per Samsung, the only fix is a factory reset. I don't think there is any other option as well. I wiped the cache and did a reboot several times from the recovery menu. 

Galaxy S Phones

I can't believe Samsung would do this! My wife's phone did the same thing last nite and here I am trying to recover it because she has a lot of info she needs from the phone! Stupid! They should of warned us or something before just pushing this update\security patch whatever they want to to call it. It's such BS! I left apple for something similar! Now I'm thinking of leaving Samsung! How inconvenient this is! Phone gets so hot during the boot loop process. I was concerned that it was going to start a fire or something! Thanks Samsung for forcing us to upgrade and bricking the phone! 

Galaxy S Phones

Same issue here. Verizon Wireless. Phone worked fine last night. I walk into the room to a superhot cell phone rebooting over and over. Power button did not work. It must have happened around 10pm eastern time on 10/1. I paid and downloaded the dr. fone thing. It can't recover. LIkely toast now. Thanks Samsung/Verizon. 

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

My daughter told me the same thing. She said her phone was overheating and then it started to restart and stuck in a boot loop. Really annoying and inconvenient.

Galaxy S Phones

This is just making me upset! If I were out traveling and this happened to me, OMG I would probably kill someone! I can't imagine being stuck somewhere ( because of a stupid update\or whatever caused this) and not being able to confirm or verify your information because of MFA\2-factor authentication sent to your current device. What do you do? God **bleep** it just thinking about it PISSES ME OFF! I hate you right now SAMSUNG! So my phone is old! I DONT CARE! It was working fine! You could've  given us some kind of info warning us before forcing the device to BRICK! @sswholes!

Galaxy S Phones

Ugh. Add us to the list of victims. I hope they can get this fixed for us.

Galaxy S Phones

If you look all over reddit this has happened around the globe. I'm really disappointed with how Samsung is managing this situation. They told me to bring it to a technician and they told me they cant do anything apart from factory resetting the phone. This is really making me doubt Samsung's decisions as a company. my s9 works perfectly fine but suddenly my s10+ doesn't? I dont buy that they wont fix this as this will bring their revenue down.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones

Yeah I was following this on reddit too.

Galaxy S Phones

Add me on to the list as well, this is ridiculous. Especially from an update overnight something you can't stop or foresee, what if people use their phone alarms to wake up in the morning... SAMSUNG PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE. PEOPLE WORK ON THEIR PHONES TOO.

Galaxy S Phones

What if I were traveling and this were to happen?? How in the **bleep** will I be able to validate who I am, verify my account, authenticate using MFA\2-factor authentication? How did the powers that be, think that this is okay? Samsung should of forewarned it's users of a pending update which might result in a disabled phone if your device met a certain criteria. And even then, give ample notice to allow backup\replacement of said devices. This is unprecedented and should be fixed by them! My wife has lost her data from her phone and wasn't given any warning. I am so upset that I probably will end up moving to Apple. Ef U Samsung!