Original topic:

Need new battery for Note10

(Topic created: 08-28-2022 01:05 AM)
Galaxy Note Phones

After running diagnostics several times and doing everything to improve & optimize battery, it still says its weak and needs to be replaced soon. Are Note 10 batteries replaceable & how do I go about getting a new one without having to send in or give up my devices?

3 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Note Phones
Sorry to hear about your battery in your Note 10 you would need to contact a certified Samsung repair center to get the battery replaced since it's can't be removed you can use the links below to find one near you and once again sorry to hear about your battery

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Galaxy Note Phones
Thank you. I'm surprised it has last this long since I've had my phone for 2.5 years and use it ALOT daily. 2 updates ago, it started rejecting any chargers that were the super fast charge with the c type on both ends. Then after about a month I was finally able to use my other Samsung chargers and it went back to normal. Then all of sudden right before this latest update when I went to do the diagnostic and did the optimize device, the battery now said weak and needs to be replaced & has started draining much faster. I love my phone and am not ready to upgrade, especially since there is mixed reviews on the 22 ultra, which is the only 1 I would consider since I want the pen but a big thing for me is the camera & I've heard mixed things. Plus my phone is paid for, I just pay the insurance on it incase something happens & I'm not ready to shell out $1300+ (after tax) for another phone or pay an extra $30-35 a month on top of 4 phone bills already (mine, husband's & 2 of our daughters)

Thanks for the link, on my phone it took me to the new phones & not support, so thank you.
Galaxy Note Phones
Wanted to add too, that I have the battery optimizer on & most apps are put to sleep or deep sleep unless I'm using it & I have less than 5 apps that are allowed to run in background, I also clear app cache regularly & have it set to optimize based on what I use & do. Basically everything battery friendly minus putting it in actual battery saver mode since that is like easy mode and I can't access many things in that mode. I also don't plug it in until it's atleast 20% but usually it's closer to 2% since I like to live dangerously lol and as soon as it hits 100% I unplug it. I got it in January 2020 when I upgraded my note 9 which I also loved but it also stopped holding a charge & started over heating constantly, although I wasn't careful with that phone or know the battery friendly things to do. My average daily usage is minimum 140% so I'm aware I over use it but I'm careful this time and turn it off if it ever feels hot which only happens when I use the AR avatar app strangly enough and I try not to over charge it also. So almost 3 years with WAY TOO much daily usage is pretty good I think.