Original topic:

I would really like to petition for the extra ambient mode

(Topic created: 01-21-2025 07:46 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Buds
Good morning I would really like to petition Samsung to add the extra ambient mode to the Galaxy buds 3 Pro as I love that feature it really comes in handy I don't see why they needed to fade it out of the labs feature put a bunch of three if anything it should have that feature in more
1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Hello Jeremykb38, Thanks for being part of the Community. We understand the convenience of Ambient Sound.

Have you tried turning on Hearing Enhancements for Ambient Sound? Wearables app> Earbud Settings> Accessibility> Hearing enhancements for Ambient Sound

This will give you options to adjust the Ambient sound volume and tone.

To submit a feature request to Samsung, please submit feedback using these steps: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Submit-an-Error-Report/ba-p/3001692

Let us know if this helps.