Original topic:

Buds 3 Pro right ear sore

(Topic created: Sunday)
Galaxy Buds

For as long as I've been using earbuds of various brands, such as; ToZo earbuds, Samsung Galaxy Buds, & etc ...... None have given me problems. However, I recently noticed that my " RIGHT EAR " is sore, on the inside where the earbuds go. I'm almost certain that it's from wearing my Galaxy Buds 3 Pro's. Due to that little pointy, sharp piece at the back of the earbuds. So Samsung, can you guys round out those points, edges please. Other than that great product. & I guess I will be going to the doctor's soon to look inside my ear to make sure that everything is ok. I'm sure it is, it's probably just sore/irritated from those tips pushing up against my ears. 

1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Hello kyleHl, Thank you for being part of the Community, and thank you for reaching out. We understand the concern with the right ear becoming sore when using the earbuds.

Please submit an error report through the Wearables app while connected to the earbuds. Open the Wearables app>select the three horizontal lines>tap the Settings icon>Tap on Contact Us. This will provide information directly to Samsung developers.

Since you are experiencing pain from the earbuds, we have a specialized team that would be happy to help you with this situation. We encourage you to reach out to this team directly to get this matter resolved.

Please be aware, this team will be asking for specific information, such as your name, street address, email, place of purchase, bill of sale (to validate warranty status), and will request any documentation related to this incident. The additional documentation could include photos of an injury/damage, receipts or estimates of repairs, and/or medical documentation, etc.

The quickest way to reach this specialized team is by calling 1-800-726-7864. Additionally, you can reach out to a moderator directly, and we can set up a call back ticket to have the specialized team reach out to you directly.
