Original topic:

Anybody else paranoid about their phone breaking anytime?

(Topic created: 02-14-2025 03:00 PM)
Fold & Flip Phones

So I have had my Flip6 about half a year now and everything is fine. But seeing the stories on this sub I always keep planning for what feels like inevitable occurrence - the inner screen breakage. So I keep thinking about getting a backup phone, how I would transfer my authorisation apps, etc. I love the form factor and would love to keep using it for at least 2 years, but I am not sure if the anxiety is worth getting another Flip after this .

8 Replies
Honored Contributor
Fold & Flip Phones
Depends on usage mainly and yes some issues may come along as for the fold I seen screen or fold issues
Cosmic Ray
Fold & Flip Phones
Well this is what Google had to say on the subject. So as long as you don't go over this number per day you should have nothing to worry about.

100 times a day

The Galaxy Fold6 and Flip6 are designed to handle over 200,000 folding and unfolding cycles on average, which should last more than 5 years if opened and closed 100 times a day1

Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Fold & Flip Phones

I had the Flip 5 for 6 months before I traded it in.  I was scared to open it too see a messed up screen 

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Cosmic Ray
Fold & Flip Phones
In my opinion the fold and flies are kinda like owning an Iphone. You are always paranoid about the device. On the Iphone it's the being locked out of your phone for an hour **bleep**. And for the flip and fold it's the constant worry the screen will crease or break. Sorry that's alot of money for the worry that comes with it. Would have been a much better idea to have two displays and a small line between them. Flexible display is awesome if it is shaped once and left alone. Multiple folding on any material will eventually fail.
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Fold & Flip Phones

@josef264 When I got my first Fold (the Fold 3), I was anxious about unfolding it for a couple of months. After that, I relaxed and enjoyed the heck out of it. No anxiety after that. Since then I have had the Fold 4, Fold 5, and now the Fold 6.

Fold & Flip Phones
Similarly for me I entered the fold game with the ZF3 had all up to the ZF6 which were all great, tough. My wife uses my ZF3 now without hitch. They last if you care for them.
Fold & Flip Phones
I totally get what you mean. I'm in the same boat.

But here's the thing—you hear more about people complaining than praising. People who use their folds and flips and have no problems don't make posts about how nothing bad has happened yet; that's just not how the news works.

I'm not in a position to tell you what to do, but think about this. Worst case, the inner screen breaks. That's a huge bummer and a total inconvenience. But you still have that fancy outside screen to help you hold out until your next phone. Samsung's Z series (except for the 4) has been improving durability more and more with each iteration, and I promise you, as long as you are responsible with it, it will be okay.
Fold & Flip Phones
I've had the Zfold 6 for one month and the inner screen is flickering and a yellow color. I took to a service center and they told me Samsung is blaming me for this problem. This phone is immaculate and no scratches or anything. I asked the young man to show where they say i damaged. He kept pointing to the hinge. I had to ask to show more than once. What he kept pointing to was the hinge which has no damage. Now I have to buy a burner phone and send this phone back to Samsung. So they can see it's not my fault but more of a poor design. Or poor manufacturing, this is the first and last time I buy a Samsung. Number reason is they have no stores here and 2nd the don't stand behind their products and their service sucks.