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What to do if your device does not provide adequate photo magnification ...

(Topic created: 05-19-2022 05:33 PM)
Cosmic Ray

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Looking at the photos in the Galaxy Gallery, we notice that many take extraordinary photos and we sometimes wonder how they did it and how we could do the same when our device is not as recent  as theirs or is not . not offer the same options. This idea came to me after seeing in the Gallery a very detailed photo of the moon better than the 100X zoom currently could. At the time, I was intrigued. So I asked  him how he did it and he said he just took a picture using his smartphone and a telescope.  

I found the idea just great and tried it and that's why I share it ... I hardly dare imagine what it will be like when I have my S21 ultra with its 10 optical lens. X, 50 X magnification + my binoculars ... it's going to be great  !!! 

So I invite all those who have tips to share to put them in this post to help those with less efficient cameras and help them take the same photos as you. They might just need a little practice to be as good as you!

As an example,  I wondered how I could take a zoomed 30, 50 or 100X photo when I have not finished collecting enough money to pay myself an S21 Ultra or an S 22 * ā€‹ā€‹which according to some believe that Samsung will put the efforts on a camera system even more powerful than the S 21 ultra to leave the competition far behind. My Note10 + is limited to 2X optical zoom and 10X digital zoom

Photo 1 without Zoom ... Look for the BLUE box



10X digital zoom photo 1



Zoom with 2X optical lens and 10 X 50 binoculars photo 1



Here, same thing, photo 2 without zoom lens by default 



Photo 2 2X lens



Photo 2 2X lens and 10 X 50 binoculars 



Here you have a picture of the moon taken on an S20 + and a Celestron 8SE  telescope  ... Notice the details of the moon ... 

Cropped pictures (check what you can realize with cropped pictures )


ā€ƒoriginal photo taken by @Eikaze  


Hope you liked this tip and will use it from time to time !!!

Let's share knowledge together, it unites the community  !!!


2 Replies
Thanks for the read, I'm really wanting to try this out!
This is soo helpful...I'm terrible at taking pictures, and have only taken like 3 selfies ever....it's possible my photography skills suck soo much, anything I capture including the selfies, might genuinely be uniquely bad enough to scare small children lol
Seriously, no matter what I do, anything I use my camera for, including video, screenshots, and even Google lens is just šŸ˜±