Original topic:

Samsung Notes from old phone

(Topic created: 06-11-2024 11:24 PM)
A Series & Other Mobile

I had a question for who ever may be able to answer.

I had a Samsung Galaxy A15 5G [with insurance]
However I lost my phone (misplaced completely) and had to order a replacement...
I got the replacement and was able to sign into all my info and transfer pretty much everything
Just one issue..
I make music and use my Samsung notes a lot... I'm not sure if I had set them up to be synced or not with my first phone..
But now that I have my new one I set up the sync feature for sure and im trying to see if there is a way I can access my old Samsung notes even though I don't have access to the phone itself?
I'm not sure if I can use the "Find my phone" app or even if it's registered or even still accessible to be recovered and once again not sure if those notes were synced or not but I assumed they were since they auto save.. Can anyone offer any suggestions possible to retrieve my notes from my old Samsung?
1 Reply
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
A Series & Other Mobile

@ZellHuncho If Samsung Notes is synced to your Samsung account, it will automatically be available on a new device.