Original topic:

Purchased themes removed in a reset Galaxy A53.

(Topic created: a month ago)
A Series & Other Mobile

Need help.  July of 2024. I purchased two Samsung themes from the Samsung store app. On my Samsung galaxy A53 5G.  At the time I m purchased with debit and through wifi connection in my home. I downloaded and used these themes. Then the phone was not n us3d for while. Got it back and luckily remembered my Samsung email and password.  Which I'm still using on it. Even though I can't access the email on yahoo. Over forgot password.  But I still ise.it to log in on Samsung store etc. When I first got the phone back I remembered my Samsung account and logged in and seen my two themes. One an Army static theme and a wvu theme.  I never touched them. But I completely reset my phone.  And logged back in to Samsung account.  Store etc. And now it says I have to purchase themes. There no where to be found.  No receipts in my account, no themes nothing. I emailed Samsung galaxy store everything.  And after a few times emailing and showing my recipts I can still see that where it shows when you purchased from Samsung store. You get like one points for each purchase.  That's all I had. Showed Samsung and after few emails. Now when I try it's all sudden an error I can't Reach them now.   Someone. Anyone can you please help me get these back. I know it's probably nothing to people.  Some say re purchase them.  These two have a sentimental thing with me.  Please Help Me.    Please Email me at my secondary email.   <hidden> if you can help.  I would Greatly appreciate it.  Please.  Thank you. 

1 Reply
Cosmic Ray
A Series & Other Mobile
Themes is stored on the device not the cloud so if you reset your phone you lost all themes