Original topic:

Images suddenly save in HEIC format ... SOMETIMES

(Topic created: 12-23-2024 05:10 PM)
A Series & Other Mobile

So, I figure this is a long shot but I can't figure out how else to get a solution besides posting here. I have the A53 and for some reason it is saving some images in .jpg and some in HEIC. For instance, one photo taken on 12 Dec. saved as .jpg and another photo taken on the 16 Dec. saved as HEIC. The only difference was the subject of the photo (One kid and one dog). I am NOT going to the camera app and changing the format myself. 

All I have found on this is that Samsung saves in HEIC format because space saving is better. However when I tried to upload a photo saved in HEIC format, this site gave me this: 2024-12-23_18-55-21.png

Interestingly, when I exited the screen in the image, it re-saved the image that was originally HEIC into png. Anybody want to explain this one?



Beth Price-Almeida
3 Replies
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile
Mystery not sure how that would happen got same phone
Red Giant
A Series & Other Mobile
Very strange indeed. There is an option to enable HEIC format in the camera settings, but when enabled, all photos are taken in that format, I would assume.
A Series & Other Mobile

I appreciate the perspective. I feel like the problem is caused by this automatic opt in policy these companies have decided to use as a way to intrude on my property and everyone else's.

And even then, I wasn't aware that the format COULD be changed inside the camera app or even in the phone settings. (Yes, I'm a little bit of a goof about this format thing). So, I didn't change the format the photos would save in. However, I am at picture # 243 that has saved in heic and I am reverting to .jpg. My question (along with all the other questions I have) now becomes how did the format change in the first place? Because if Samsung had this brilliant idea to tamper with people's photos, you know the things that people use to preserve their memories and such as that, without so much as an email/text message blast, when we all know they can certainly find a way to get the message to you if you're a day late on the money you owe them, that would be absolutely a terrible and sneaky and underhanded thing to do to people. And I don't think it is fair that they would tamper with these photos and NOT also have an app that is free to use to fix what they messed up. Considering I have a traumatic brain that will cause me a significant amount of memory loss way before I should have that problem, I take A LOT of photos of my son who is 9 right now so that if I start to slip I have those to look at. They are sent from my phone to my Windows computer which won't touch this file format without downloading yet some other **bleep**g app to make it "compatible". The fact that they can't seem to get it together, and think it's perfectly acceptable to assume people will just go buy yet another app to eat up the space they paid for (and not for the phone manufacturer or anyone else to blow through) just makes me a good bit angry. 

Beth Price-Almeida