Original topic:

How do I take a note using the Note app while on the phone?

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
A Series & Other Mobile

How do I take a note while on the phone?

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Series & Other Mobile
Here's what I did. Doesn't look like your example but hope it works. It's too late here to test it. Will test tomorrow. Thanks for your assistance. 1735442169447.jpg
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile
Hope it works. My attempt was just an example to show that it could possibly be done. I always wonder, though, about the "from" verbiage, as it implies it won't work for outgoing calls, which is why I added the opening of the phone app. You can tweak the routine till you find the combination that does what you want.
A Series & Other Mobile
Don't need it when calling out cause I can open Note before the call. When answering I typically barely get to phone before caller hangs up and don't want app to open unless I actually answer because of all the spam and phishing calls I get (I'm 73 retired so I get lots of bogus calls) even though I'm registered on state and federal DNC lists. Anyway I'll let you know if it works. šŸ™Thanks
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Series & Other Mobile
Hi @realaud the Bixby routine is working but it causes Notes app to pop-up even before phone app does so makes it difficult to answer the call. I am deleting the routine for now until I can figure out how to have it launch in the background instead of over the phone app. Thanks a lot for your help.
Happy New Year
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile

Actually, if there is an app open when a call comes in, there is usually a bubble 0verlay (the mini call panel) at the top of the screen with the caller ID and decline/answer icons and you can just tap the answer icon (green phone) .  If It's not already set, you can set this in the phone settings. Open the phone dialer, tap on the 3 dots, select settings, and scroll down to call display while using apps; then choose either small popup or mini popup.

Screenshot_20241230_122036_Call settings.jpg







But, you can also change your phone answering settings to use the Volume up button to answer the phone.

Screenshot_20241230_122606_Call settings.jpgScreenshot_20241230_122616_Call settings.jpg







Either of these should solve your problem.

A Series & Other Mobile
Already set to "small popup". Can't find an option on Bixby or in phone settings to set phone to display on top.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile

This is not a Bixby setting.  It is a phone setting.  The popup will always appear on top of another app if the phone rings while you are using another app. If you move the slider on, it will remain on top in either the mini or the small popup.  All phone settings are in the phone app, not the phone settings.

As I said, if the notepad app opens on top of the phone call, and you find it difficult to answer the phone, you can set the volume up key to answer the phone when pressed. 

You can modify your routine to add a time to take action before the notepad opens and this will give a short delay between the time the phone rings and the notepad opens so that you will have time to answer the phone.  You will have to find how many seconds is optimal for you. You also might want to modify your routing to "incoming call" rather than "during call" unless you are also going to use it to automate the notepad action for outgoing calls since you already stated you have time to open the notepad before you make your call. Here's an example of the routine with the added time delay:

Screenshot_20241230_132156_Modes and Routines.jpg


A Series & Other Mobile
I know it's not a Bixby setting. But the phone rings, which I don't usually hear the first ring and sometimes the second, because the phone doesn't display the incoming call immediately. I've had callers tell me the phone has rang on their side several times before it rings on my phone. I've tested this numerous times over the years. This has always been the case and has always been an issue and is seperate from this discussion. But, because of phone apps delay to popup the Bixby routine will overlay the phone pop-up regardless of which pop-up is set.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile

Yes, many times the phone has actual rings on the network before they get to the phone, which is why notes is opening before you see the call screen.  And it is why I also said modify the routine to add in a delay so you will get the call screen before notes pops up.  Adding 10 seconds or so, will give you time to hear the phone ring and answer before notes pops up.  Or do the simple action of programming the volume up button, per my photo, to be able to answer the phone with the button. The small/mini popup will ALWAYS sit on top of any app you have open in order to make it easy to answer the phone if you are in an app and do not want the call screen to take over the phone when you are in the middle of something.

Also, the modes and routines are not, to my knowledge, Bixby routines. They could be, but there is a separate setting for them in the phone settings.  It looks, from your photo, to be the same interface, so it is possible Samsung broke it out for the people who don't want to interact with Bixby for anything.

A Series & Other Mobile
Yes, Samsung has made Modes and Routines a standalone app separate from Bixby or at least it appears that it is. I understand setting a delay to allow phone time to get notification of incoming call. I'll try setting that up in the routine to see if it helps. Anyway thanks for allowing me to bounce this off you. Sometimes having someone to talk it out with makes solving the issue easier. I appreciate you because you haven't been judgemental or tried to question why I would want to set my call workflow this way.1735585265057.jpg1735585274290.jpg
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.