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Bought the Samsung A03 and it is garbage

(Topic created: 09-04-2024 08:13 PM)
A Series & Other Mobile

I recently lost my Galaxy S23 Ultra and was forced to purchase the basic economy A series Galaxy A03 and I have never been so disappointed in a purchase in my life. I have been a loyal Samsung user for 2 decades. I was never tempted by the hype of the Apple products. I like that android is open source. BUT, this A03 device needs to be disposed of permanently. First of all, the storage is 32 GB but the system apps and bloatware take up more than half of the storage and the":solution": for the lacvk of storage is to purchase and sd memory card for expanded storage....let me tell you, it doesnt make any differnce bc the processor is trash. It cannot even keep up when there are no external.apps or media downloaded to the device. So from the first time I powered on the phone, it was slow and did not respond immediately to my touching the screen. I was disappointed before I even got the phone set up and activated. With each app I installed it only got worse. Swiping down from the top to see notifications should be a simple gesture with a response being near immediate. Not with this device. Expect at least a 5 second lag time and if you are impatient like myself, you swipe and swipe again, which just makes it worse. 

I feel ripped off. I feel like Samsung could have done better, even if the device is designed to be affordable for anyone. If I knew before I.purchased this device that I was going to be constantly frustrated and inconvenienced by its performance, I would never have made the purchase. I would have gone with an off brand or even sprang for an older model iphone, but being the loyal Samsung user, I assumed this model would be at the very least a basic device without any bells and whistles that would still get the job done for the time being. Boy was I mistaken. And for the consumers who can't really afford the S model devices and the A models are the best for for their budget, this device is a slap in the face. I want to say "shame on you" because it has to be common knowledge among Samsung designers, developers, and stakeholders that this product does not and cannot meet the needs of even the most basic of mobile device users. Even someone who only takes advantage of voice calls, text messaging and email, will find that this device doesn't quite measure up to their basic expectations. The processor is a joke, RAM memory size is half of what it should be to handle even basic functions, and don't get me.started on the GPS. That's a whole new can of worms. 
My point is, as a 20 year devoted Samsung consumer, ( I have Samsung smart appliances in my home, Samsung smart tvs, washer and dryer, and 2 laptops) I know that Samsung is aware that they have created, marketed and sold a subpar device that should only be used for one thing.....a paper weight. I hate this phone so much I threw it out the window if my car today, only to have to go back an retrieve it from a yard in Middle Tennessee. 
I plan to purchase a new device this weekend and although it pains me to say it. I am so disgusted with this piece of garbage device, I have been researching Motorola and IPhone options. Samsung has knowingly insulted my loyalty and robbed me of $60 I would much rather have spent elsewhere because this device isn't worth a nickel in my book. 
Anyone else have the same horrible experience with this model??
7 Replies
Neutron Star
A Series & Other Mobile
The a53 or a54 would be better choice
Black Hole
A Series & Other Mobile
Going from the S23 to A03 makes you appreciate what you pay for. There is a considerable difference in what the flagship devices offer.
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile
You buy a $60 phone, you get basic functionality, which is what that model is for. It's meant to be a budget friendly, basic phone for people who only need a phone and internet connectivity. It served the function you purchased it for; a stopgap so you wouldn't be without a phone. I don't see how you could have been forced to buy that model unless it was the only one immediately available.
A Series & Other Mobile
No sweetie, this barely had even basic functionality. It lags so badly that I can hardly answer a call if it comes in when the phone is doing even 1 thing other Han being idle. I can only dream of basic functionality whe I attempt to use the way overpriced paperweight. I do not.mind spending a chunk.of change on good quality tech. I'm a tech professional so I know what gagabe is in tech terms and this the A03 is what garbage **bleep** out after eating garbage for breakfast this morning. I mean, it's actually insulting that Samsung would even put this on the shelves with their name on it. I'd rather have a Fire phone and if you don't know what that is you don't even need to be commenting.
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile
Even a new phone can have glitchy software causing lags and slowness, or just plain be defective. Have you ever reset it? If you have and things didn't improve, you should have returned it as defective. As I said before, unless it was the only phone model on the shelf at the time, you could not have been "forced" to purchase it. It was a choice you made because you didn't want to spend 5 minutes without a phone. In which case, next phone you buy, also buy a backup that you've researched thoroughly, so if something happens to your new device, you don't have to be forced into a rash decision.
A Series & Other Mobile
You paid for a basic phone...
Red Giant
A Series & Other Mobile
I think a good analogy for your comparison between phones is a Maserati Gran Turismo being compared to a Volkswagen Beetle. Just as everybody else said, you get what you pay for, and you didn't pay a lot for what you got.