Original topic:

Bespoke AI combo usability issues summarized

(Topic created: 02-15-2025 12:13 PM)
Washers and Dryers

I will keep this as short as possible and itemize the problems, but whoever manages your software for the all in one bespoke washer/dryer AI combo needs to be replaced.

1. You cannot change spin speed without turning off the dryer function. This makes absolutely no sense and makes this less convenient. This could easily be fixed in the software.

2. You cannot turn on the detergent function on delicates and some other settings. This makes no sense as it should be a consumer choice.

3. Your software update function shows that it has never been checked for software updates even though I manually check often.

4. The delicate cycle when you turn off the dryer function to make manual changes does not dispense detergent even though it clearly shows the detergent dispenser as being turned on.

Iā€™ll add more to this as times goes on since these are just the issues Iā€™ve had off the top of my head.

2 Replies
Washers and Dryers

I agree with this 100%. We used to be able to decide what detergent dispenser to use on any cycle but ever since the most recent update, that option has disappeared. We have baby clothes that we wash with a special detergent, but because of the soil level, we need hot water. However, the flex dispenser only allows athletic clothes and wool with the special detergent; both of these cycle types only allow warm water and other settings not suitable for baby clothes. 

Samsung SW Team please revert these changes! Allow the consumer to choose what detergent they want to use, from either dispenser, for every cycle!

Washers and Dryers

I just got the Samsung Bespoke AI washer/dryer combo (heat pump) and was really disappointed to learn this feature was removed. I also have a small child and we use baby detergent for his clothes. Sure, we could all use his detergent, but that means I can't use the gallons of regular detergent I already have.