Original topic:

Tap to share feature request

(Topic created: 03-25-2023 10:59 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services
Phone to ???
I just had the idea. If an android users had an image open through Samasung gallery or Google gallery, they could tap there phone against another user that would then ask the other user to either accept the image/file "drop" or ignore it, and could have a setting that would prevent or allow this action (basicly like an nfc), and there could be another app that scans for harmful files when sharing, and can show how much the space the file would take up.
Another suggestion similar to this is if one person had there mobile Hotspot setting open then they can then tap it against another user and that other user can either accept or decline connecting to that Hotspot. (Then again there could be a setting to turn it off or on)
Another phone to ??? "tap" suggestion is connecting to other user via Bluetooth Music Share that if a user has it open then that user can tap another user to notify the other user to either accpet or decline it (once again another setting you can turn on or turn off). 
All in all this can save some time other than having the struggle to do certain tasks. When I put the "???" it meant to me that different devices that can support this action can have this feature such as file/image sharing from phone to phone, chrome book, tablet, and other near by sharing compatible devices. Although this is a SUGGESTION it would be a pretty neat and useful tool.

1 Solution

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.

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7 Replies
Samsung Apps and Services
This is actually a very smart suggestion and I would love to see these options on cellular phones. It would be timeless.
Black Hole
Samsung Apps and Services
Great suggestions but giving the control to the recipient shouldn't be allowed. It should be the person sharing/authorizing the action after tapping on the other device to ensure security. You don't want "butt" dailing to become sharing.

Some versions of the actions exist but with greater control and input from user.
Samsung Apps and Services
I didn't ask for calling we already have Call&text on other devices, but speaking this most likely wouldn't be a feature it would be danndy to have. If it ever dose become a feature, the person who's tapping the other could accept or decline the action to go through. Then the other person can accept the "drop" or decline it.
Black Hole
Samsung Apps and Services
I was referencing complaints about phones accidentally dialing numbers. If just tapping phones allows sharing, then there is a greater chance of accidentally sharing data if the sender doesn't explicitly authorize it. I am saying the sender should agree to share after tapping
Samsung Apps and Services
That's what I explained should happen after "If it does become a feature,"
Samsung Apps and Services
Thanks, @Communityuser3049203, for reviewing this post! I'm just confused why you would change it to "Tap to transfer pictures feature request" when I would call it "Tap to share feature request" Because I asked if there could also be mobile Hotspot and Bluetooth sharing.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Thank you for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.