Original topic:

Samsung Health, total calories burned changes

(Topic created: yesterday)
Samsung Apps and Services
 I document my "total calories burned" (listed in Daily Activities in the Samsung Health app)
 This morning (3/12/25), I looked at the information for yesterday. It said 3453 for "total calories burned".
I looked at again this afternoon and it says 3151.
I made sure it was synced this morning before documenting the number.

 Why does historical data change for "total calories burned"?
 As I said, I document it, so for instance, the total for 3/1 said 2969 when I recorded it the following day after syncing. Now, afternoon of 3/12, the app says 2799. They're all different now.

 It's hard to trust data that changes after the fact.

 How can this be fixed?

1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello chuckbeef, Welcome to the Community. We understand the concern with the historical data of the total calories burned changing.

We have a specialized team on standby that will guide you through the best resolution for any concerns regarding these matters. Please call, 1-855-795-0509 to speak with the Samsung Health team.

We also recommend using the Submit Feedback option in the Support Tab of the Members app to provide a data log to the Samsung Developers. They may also be able to provide clarification on this matter, and a possible solution. Here are the steps: https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/How-to-Send-Feedback/ba-p/3001692
