Original topic:

Rant: The Samsung website is terrible for readability!!

(Topic created: 07-19-2024 11:05 AM)
Samsung Apps and Services

Look at those huge floating banner on top, and the huge spacing in webpage contents. They are terrible to read.

Why is the floating banner taking like 30% of the screen real estate while providing probably 5% or less of information here??!!

Why is the content for the "specs" view having such huge spacing? If i'm clicking into specs, i'm looking for information, preferably a high density of information. Why is the first/default view of the "specs" part having even less density of information than the non-specs part, while hiding the actual specs under a collapsible section? If i'm anyone clicks specs, likely he/she wants as much info as possible and would appreciate to straight show those detailed specs with more text than spacing without the obstructive floating banner.

Yes, i'm aware i can right click the banner to inspect element then hit delete key to fix it, but why's the website designed like this in the first place??

Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 12.54.30 PM copy.png

1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Hello, Welcome to the Community. Please note, the Community operates on a peer-to-peer support model. While our members offer valuable insights and assistance, certain inquiries are best supported by a Samsung directly.

We recommend submitting your feedback to Samsung using the error report feature in the Members app. https://www.samsung.com/ae/support/mobile-devices/raising-an-error-report-via-samsung-members-app/

Alternatively, you can submit feedback using the Give Feedback link on Samsung.com at the bottom of the page: https://survey3.medallia.com/?web&c=1&lng=en
