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Feature suggestions: hike tracking by watch and sync to phone

(Topic created: Monday)

I am been using Samsung Watch and Samsung health to track my weekend hiking. The app are working great and record all the things I need. Also there is a map in Samsung health so that I can check if I am walking on the right trails during workout.
In order to use view the trail map and my current location, I have to use phone to monitor everything and my watch only provide heart beat rate. This consumes a lot of phone battery, say spending 80% in 3-4 hours. To monitor longer hiking, I will use watch to monitor. But I will not able to view my current location and compare with the trail map, as Samsung health on phone does not show anything related to the workout until the workout is finished.

I am trying to suggest a feature for Samsung to consider in order to solve this issue. When Samsung watch is monitoring a workout (say hiking), periodically (1-3 mins?) it will sync the result to the phone so that user can view the workout result on their phone. It will be even better to have the path during workout (measured by phone) and the planned path (from gpx)  showing on map so user can know where they are during the workout.
This feature moves the burden of monitoring to watch, reducing battery usage on phone, without scarifying the great features of using samsung health to monitor workout.

I believe this will make Samsung health even better in monitoring outdoor or long term workout.

1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Samsung Apps and Services

So, you prefer depleting the watch battery, which is smaller and will deplete much faster than the phone?  The phone battery depletes with the graphic, because I presume you have the screen on.  What would happen if you use the Google Maps watch app to determine your location?  You can activate it when you need to see where you are, or set your route when you begin your hike.  Probably not as perfect and integrated as the phone app but will save battery on both devices.  


If you take such long hikes that it's likely to deplete either battery, may I suggest you hike with a charging block - which is always a good idea for hikers anyway in case something happens that strands you and you need assistance.