Original topic:

Add the option to hide specific folders in the Samsung Gallery

(Topic created: 06-27-2023 11:46 PM)
Samsung Apps and Services

Will Samsung ever fix the Gallery app by adding an option for  hiding specific folders from the app? It's been probably 10 years since the app was created and it still doesn't have this absolutely basic option. It is very annoying when you have a ton of music with album art on your device. Same goes for images for many other purposes, which you don't want to see in the Gallery app, which is supposedly made to show you your photos. There is an option to exclude "albums", but it only works for separate lowest level folders, which is useless. Also it does nothing in Photos section of the app, which if you ask me should only show photos from the camera folder and nothing else. It is not that difficult for developers to add the option to include and exclude certain folders. The ".nomedia" file is not a solution as it messes up with other apps accessing other types of media files like music.

When you pay a ton of money for a flagship phone, these kind of issues really make you think is it really worth its price.

11 Replies
Great Scott
Samsung Apps and Services

Ok I have music and the cover art showes up in my gallary app all over the place. So I have found using the Gallery app. First create a group name, Music Covers, thus not a new folder. Then select what you have currently, at the time of creation of the group name, and they will be moved to that group. After that all you need to do is select a new music jpg/cover art you just added and move this to the group you created. Then at least all of these cover pictures are in one location - album. It is not perfect but solves the problem of having many pictures in all of these albums you have added.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Samsung Apps and Services

Thank you Penoff,  for your interest in sharing your idea with Samsung. Welcome to the Samsung Community. We appreciate your feedback and will tag it on the forum so that it will appear with other feedback, ideas, and requests. This will allow your post to be more easily found in the event that Samsung product groups are seeking outside feedback/requests/ideas regarding our products.