Original topic:

Light bleeding through UN65J8500 (all JS models)

(Topic created: 01-16-2019 12:54 PM)
Projectors & Other TVs


I purchased a UN65J8500 3 years ago and just recently, within the last 2 months, I started noticing what looks to be light spots shinning through the panel. These light spots are especially noticeable on solid colors.

I've posted a couple of images of what it looks like:


Is this something that I can fix or is this panel not worth saving?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.





418 Replies
Projectors & Other TVs

I have this same problem only with purple spots as well. Tried plugging in the wall, new hdmi cables, and different input sources. It's not gone away. 

Cosmic Ray
Projectors & Other TVs

Unrepairable.  Physical damage from heat.  Avoid Samsung.  JUNK!!!

Projectors & Other TVs

Sorry to say that none of the silly suggestions they give will do anything beyond waste your time.  Its silly to think that an hdmi cable, device or anything else would magically fix a defective piece of hardware that is damaged.  Especially since its almost certain that the design flaw revolves around the inability for the tvs to manage the heat which causes damage exponentially over time.  As the damage compunds it destroys the components that are used to disperse the heat thus making the problem worse and worse.


They want to remain a powerhouse in the tv industry and they gladly do so at the LED purchasers expense.  In order to remain relevant they need to have the best (tech wise) at low prices.  So they designed their LED tvs to be as compact, light weight and as inexpensive as possible (no big surprise thats the goal of all electronic products for all companies).  Within 2 years (likely way earlier) they found out that they had a design flaw and that the tvs couldnt handle the heat that wasnt being dispersed over time.  But their analysts determined that the financial gain was higher to ignore it at the cost of their LED tv customers.  The cost for r&d + the cost of losing market domination of technology to cost ratio in the overall tv industry is greater then the loss of customers that get the short end of it.

when new tvs are reviewed all that matters is the technology included, the weight and thickness of the tv and the price.  The fact that the tv will be junk in 13-24 months is not known or of consequence to Samsungs appearance to having the best tvs at a low cost.  At best the review will say the tv seems to run a little hot but that its not a safety or performance issue (and its true at the point where the tv is brand new).  But over time its becomes a huge safety and performance issue.


 Unfortunatly all companies care about is their bottom line.  Its the same with all companies, in all industries.  One of the worst comparissons for this is the automobile industry.  For example, lets say xyz company releases a new model of their popular car in 2023 and they sell 500,000 of the cars in the first 3 months and have 100,000 in inventory across the globe at retailers ready to be sold as well still.


At this point a catostrophic malfunction causes a owner to crash and become severly injured or deceased.  They investigate and learn that the cause of the accident was a design flaw and their fault.  So they have their actuary do the math and learn that approximatly 0.13% of all of the 500,000 vehicles + the 100,000 in inventory will likely malfunction and cause severe injuries and deaths to the drivers/passangers and other vehicles hit in the accidents.  The actuary then determines that the lawsuits from those customers will cost them around $3bil.  On the other hand the cost to issue a recall and replace the part that causes it for all 600,000 vehicles would cost them $1.9bil but that they would also lose another $1.5bil from the bad press and resulting blemish that will follow their vehicle reviews for the next few years.  Since the recall results in them admitting they produced and sold a vehicle that has a catsastrophic component failure.  But without they recall they admit nothing and no one ever hears anything about it.  The lawsuits all result in settlements that include a non disclosure agreement so they plantiffs cant say anything about it.


This math is done daily by all the companies in the world.  Cost of losing customers + lawsuits vs cost of admitting fault and fixing it.  Everyone says you cant put a price on a human life but sadly I can tell you that companies but a price on everything including your life, every day.  The cost for Samsung to admit this is a design flaw and fix it for all of us is likely well worth the cost to keep our loyalty but the cost of the resulting reputation loss that their mathmaticians calculated to follow them for x months or years, resulting in loss of new customers they would of gained is far to great to them to care about us at all.  This is the reason punitive damages exist.  Did the women that burned herself with mcdonalds coffee deserve $2.9mil? Of course not but the jury was willing to award her that in punitive damages to punish mcdonalds for all the other people in the world that suffered losses from the same thing that would never sue mcdonalds for it.

The default "fixes" suggested for this issue is the same dafault nonsense stated for every single issue you could ever mention.  Because its really just a tactic used by all companies to try to convince you that they are not the bad guys.  If you try one of these default suggestions and say the issue goes away then they just convinced you not to be mad at them for selling you junk when really the tv just dont use that piece of hardware when you you do whatever it is.  For example uou complain that your tv is blurred when using your 4k dvd player in your ps5 and they ask you to try the tv with another device like your cable box and you say it works fine then and they say see its the playstation that is the issue.  Knowing full well that the tv is the issue and that the cable box works fine because its not 4k and that clearly some component involving 4k resolution is faulty in the tv.


Cosmic Ray
Projectors & Other TVs

My JS8500....55".....started the light bleed issue in it's 3rd year.  Unrepairable screen issues due to heat.  These and other model's of the 2015, 2016 years that had a certain panel installed will eventually fail due to heat.  I got on these forums about a year and a half ago and got "played" by one of the Samsung moderators.  Anyway, all is well, I junked that TV.  I have a Samsung 65" KS8500F curved that still works and no heat issues but when it dies I will look elsewhere for my viewing entertainment.....Samsung does not stand behind their products....period.

Projectors & Other TVs

I Will never ever buy a Samsung Product again.

Projectors & Other TVs

I am having the same problem. My UN65JS8500FXZA television is 4 years old and of course out of warranty.  Once I got Best Buy to navigate around Samsung's automated customer service for me, I was very sweetly given a number of a service place and warned that service will probably cost as much as new. I don't expect to have it repaired for free but really? As much as new? I paid $2500 for a product that lasted 4 years. 
With so many of the same complaints it sounds to me as if this is a manufacturer defect and a safety hazard with it getting hot enough to melt and I think should have been recalled. 

Projectors & Other TVs

Same thing happened too me I had to go get a new TV .The edges of the TV got so H

hot that when my Granddaughter who was watching a movie touched the side of the TV she started to cry,it was then I decided to get rid of tha TV . Exact same model as your s. Is there a lawsuit we can join this is ridiculous 

@userpcKxsmZEGD wrote:

I am having the same problem. My UN65JS8500FXZA television is 4 years old and of course out of warranty.  Once I got Best Buy to navigate around Samsung's automated customer service for me, I was very sweetly given a number of a service place and warned that service will probably cost as much as new. I don't expect to have it repaired for free but really? As much as new? I paid $2500 for a product that lasted 4 years. 
With so many of the same complaints it sounds to me as if this is a manufacturer defect and a safety hazard with it getting hot enough to melt and I think should have been recalled. 


Projectors & Other TVs

I had purchased my  Samsung TV about the same time so disappointed that only after  4 years after spending thousands for a tv that it's unwatchable. The light bleeding on the edges of the Tv  started to spread  from left and right edges and slowly increased to the middle of the screen. Also the edges got so hot that it was painful too touch, my 3 year old granddaughter touched it with her little hand and started to cry. It was at that point I had to get a new Tv . 
I am so mad that I had to purchase a new tv so soon especially after reading such good reviews on the model I ended up purchasing. Also a TV shouldn't overheat to the point it's painful too touch. 
Model UN65JS8500FXZA

Version THO1


Projectors & Other TVs

Is there a solution to this or is the tv on the way out?

Samsung Moderator
Samsung Moderator
Projectors & Other TVs

I'm sorry to hear that, I'd be more than happy to look into this further for you. Can I have your full model and serial number and pictures of your symptoms in a private message

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