Original topic:

Watch 6 Classic not recording Energy Score or sleep cycles

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy Watch

Watch 6 classic no longer records sleep cycles (REM, light, deep sleep, etc) or Energy Score.  It no longer records sleep time automatically - you have to press a button on the phone's Samsung Health app to record the overall sleep time.  Only overall sleep time is recorded.

The watch did record sleep and sleep cycles and energy score on 12/19 (8 days ago) - just once and not since then.

I've looked at every permission imaginable on both the watch and the phone (Motorola).  I've performed several factory resets on the watch.  This is so frustrating as it worked once.  (Look what features you can have - not!).

On the watch - permission manager - Health Services, Samsung Health and Samsung Health Monitor all have access to Sensors (Allowed all the time).  However, under Privacy Dashboard - Sensors are Not used in past 24 hours.  How do I make these watch apps use the Sensors???  (It sounds like I need sensors for sleep cycles and Energy score).  Though I can on-demand measure bpm and stress.

Seems like a whole bunch of people have issue with sleep data - Is there a complete list of permissions that need to be granted on both the watch and phone that someone can post?  Beyond frustrating, and if this wasn't a birthday present, I'd take this thing to the driveway and run over this thing with my car multiple times.  Any help would be appreciated - thanks.

1 Reply
Galaxy Watch

Thanks for the reply - I couldn't find the settings that you mentioned.

Samsung Health App on the phone (3 vertical dots/Settings):
Sync with Samsung account
Connected apps and services - Health Connect Access allowed
Sleep/Set target: Set 11pm - 7am
Sleep/Sleep coaching/Sleep survey: Completed
Sleep/Advanced measurement: Blood oxygen, Snore Detection, Skin temperature during sleep checked on

Samsung Health Settings on the phone (Settings/Apps/Samsung Health):
Permissions: (Allowed) Body sensors, Health Connect, Location, Microphone, Nearby devices, Notifications, Physical Activity

Samsung Health App on the watch (Settings/Security and Privacy/Permission Manager):
Location: Allowed only while in use (Use precise location)
Nearby Devices: Allowed
Notifications: On
Physical Activity: Allowed
Sensors: Allowed all the time

Health Services App on the watch (Settings/Security and Privacy/Permission Manager):
Location: Allowed all the time
Physical Activity: Allowed
Sensors: Allowed all the time