Original topic:

GW4 Battery life changes

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

I have a GW4 and have had it since it came out.  In the beginning I was getting up to 30 hours of up time, including when disengaged from my phone and in standalone mode.  I could take a walk and listen to music with very little drop in battery life.  It was good.  Then, in December of 2023 I switched phones from the S10Lite to the A54 and battery life was cut almost in half.  I could not determine any reason other than the change in phone for this and could not understand why a change in phone would affect the battery life on the watch. The most up time I could get from the watch would be 23 hours, and that was only if I didn't disengage from the phone at all (what's the point of that?), so I got in the habit of charging my watch in the morning when I woke up and sometime in the evening before bed.  It wasn't ideal, but I formed a habit around it. 

Now, overnight, with no change in habits or usage, my watch battery has reduced its uptime to max 15 hours - this is unacceptable and battery usage statistics show no excess app usage that would account for this.  My watch is now always in BT range of my phone and diagnostics show the battery is good--"normal".  Anyone have any idea what's going on here?  I just wiped the cache partition this morning, and I'm waiting to see if that will help.

4 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
Are you running Watch Ui6 or are you still on Watch Ui5?
I am getting less battery life on my Watch 6 Classic 47mm with the new update.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

Still on OneUI5.  Update hasn't gotten around to me yet.  Nothing at all changed in my usage or usage pattern or settings since Thursday, when this started (coincidentally after putting in an error report on a different issue).  It's possible that after clearing the cache partition this morning the watch will readjust and go back to its recent normal. Is it possible they are futzing around in my watch after the error report?

Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
Like my phone, I wipe cache partition on my watch frequently too.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch

I do that too, but haven't lately because there have been no updates or app installations. I'll see what happens in a day or two--it's just really strange this happened right after submitting an error report. That's the only thing that changed.