Original topic:

Feature Request for One UI 6.5/7.0 Watch

(Topic created: 02-17-2025 08:16 AM)
Red Giant
Galaxy Watch

I have suggestions for One UI 6.5 or 7.0 Watch (whatever the next One UI Watch update will be called) 

1. New Quick Panel animation

2. New charging animation

3. New UI sounds across the board like mobile's One UI 7

4. Better stability of the Watch UI, try to make the next major update as smooth as possible

5. New battery icon just like One UI 7.0

6. New quick panel design, any other design that can fit on a circular display

7. New app icons just like One UI 7.0

8. More complications such as a battery option so you can see other devices' battery percentage such as a mobile device

9. Ability to change the sound mode themes like mobile, Galaxy, Calm, Fun, Retro

10. Color Palette 

11. Good Lock support for Galaxy Watch, being able to customize a Watch would bring better personalization

7 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Watch
I would settle for better booting up. It is ridiculous slow!
Galaxy Watch
I just switched to galaxy 7 watch from the first pixel watch that came out. That also booted real slow. Don't know if it's just a watch thing or what. I don't turn mine off much because of it. Just charge it fully at night and leave watch on.
Galaxy Watch
I would like the ability to use an external heart rate monitor while exercising.
Galaxy Watch
yeah, if the watch booted up a lot faster and did not lag like an old lg phone, it would be a lot better. and good lock would be awesome for the watch
Galaxy Watch

Yes, hoping we can use Goodlock for the watches


Galaxy Watch
šŸ¤„ I don't nose šŸ‘ƒ about the rest of y'all Hey by the way but for me this has been a very disappointing Samsung experience they're released the six on the z-fold then come out with the better model after we've already been making payments or paid off our regular z-fold six they're scalping the special edition on eBay for almost twice as much and it has everything that I wanted because it's exactly what the pixel has and now still know UI 7 for us either what is going on I mean they love to show us out these high-priced phones knowing we're going to buy it but as far as I'm concerned the clarity of the screen on the 6th is blah it doesn't look high definition The color is flat I don't care about it crease I'm happy we're able to bend glass and 46 years old but it makes it really upsetting to want to keep buying the products that I love so much when we're the ones that get jilted afterwards It was really funny I was watching a YouTube video where a guy had the Samsung 6 Z next to the special edition he got to the bottom of the box of the regular six and he says oh look a little note in here that says you just got **bleep** then they special edition box was beautiful intricately redone how is that fair and I'm sorry but it seems like everybody's so focused on trying to shove out the newer stuff and I even got kicked out of the forum because I said my mind about this before which is stupid because I'm allowed to have my own opinion just like you guys are and I wouldn't down anybody for what they say but this guy was trying to tell everybody oh just wait for the seven to come out when everybody was so upset that the six I mean the special edition came out and then kicked me out of the forum because I said well he said there's other foldable phones you know and I merely replied That's nice but I don't want some off-brand I want a phone that communicates with my refrigerator with my surround system with everything that I have bought Samsung without a bunch of apps to go with it and weaving around and trying to get him to work right because that's exactly what you have to do when you have an off-brand phone or a different type and yes my watch battery is draining but I really don't care about that the thing that annoys me is the sectional thing where it puts a box around everything is very annoying and I can't get it to go away So just putting my 215 cents out there Hope you all stay well and give us something back Samsung dang Don't you have enough money Stay safe travels all
Galaxy Watch
Yeah not to mention how much ridiculously priced the watch is and it pretty much still has the same features as the The last one that I gave to my husband it's just disappointingšŸ˜®