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Questions about home and traveling charging S25

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S25

should i continue to used samsung wireless charger stand fast charger with cooling from s20 plus phone or not

travel wise should i also continue to used that super fast charger wall adopter<-never used the cable that gave me inside box btw since i'm still having a hard time figure what car charger to get i should look for a combo wall charger i guess super fast charger 2.0 that also comes with a wall charger as well eh


if i have to get a charger stand it has to have a magnetic thing on it since i got a magnet case on right? or just any s25 charger stand i don't think i want a power brick

7 Replies
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25

Power Bricks will always charge faster than a wireless charger 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
The cable in the box does super fast 2.0. You will need a 45w brick though.
Galaxy S25

do you guys not do any charger stand or pads s25 phone? i am going to get wall charger 45 watts<-i will only used that when i travel but 

i like to have it on a stand in my room at night i assumed there isn't a 45 watts  super fast charge 2.0 charger stand not sure one just super fast charger stand  all i see different  fast charger stands s25


i assumed if i get me a wireless charging pad or charging stand its always going to so fast charge when put phone on charger eh


then again if there really not one  that doesn't super fast charge either a pad or stand which i don't think exist and only still fast charge then perhaps i should just continue using phone at house night old samsung wireless fan and cooling just concentrate on getting a car charge and 45 watts take with me when i go to brother house


i don't think need to continue taking super fast charger from s20 plus phone anymore gotta have that super fast charge 2.0 meh 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
Honestly, I'd warn against fast charging regularly as it's hard on the life of the battery. Find other ways to slow charge your device throughout the day. Like forwarding your calls to a land line while wirelessly slow charging at work. Using a rechargeable external battery and Bluetooth headset. Install the Link To Windows app on your laptop or work computer and access your phone from your PC while the phone is slow charging or tethered.

I have wireless charging pads throughout my home and at my work station. If my phone it's in my hand or pocket, then it's on or near a wireless charging pad.

I also use the Maximum setting in Battery Protection throughout the day, but switch it off, via Modes and Routines, when connected to my car's Bluetooth for a full 100% charge upon arrival.
Galaxy S25

i had look at wireless charging pads and charging stands for s25 it seems they all going to just be fast charging  i have yet to see any that are super fast charge 


i think some does qi 2 alot of of them are basically  and 15 w 


seen stuff like





i wonder why none of those or others can't do super fast charge or have 2.0 i guess don't exist unless you do an actually wall charger 


anyways do you think i should do a combo 45 watts  wall charger with car charger or having them separated 


i have look into this one71uszvVsjiL._AC_SL1500_71fQUSLMz9L._AC_SX679_

i don't know what do you think is it best do them separated or together?


Galaxy S25

samsung in chat just told me i should stop using that wireless fast charging stand that was design for s20 plus and get a qi 2 stand or pad


great so seems now i have to get a qi 2 stand or pad a wall charger and a car charger both 25 watts meh

Galaxy S25

i'm considering that esr charger stand because somebody wrote I needed a Qi2 charger for my S25 Ultra. I purchased a Qi2 compatible phone case and my phone charges quickly. You can also charge your phone without the Qi2 case, but you have to lay the phone flat on the charger. The phone is not magnetic without a Qi2 compatible case.


samsung chat also think its best do a combo 45 watts car charger and  45 wall adopter instead doing them separated