Original topic:

Notifications spams when I unlock my phone

(Topic created: a month ago)
Galaxy S25

Hello, I was wondering if anyone else had this issue and was able to help?

When I unlock and open my phone I get spammed with all the notifications in a row all at once. I see that I have notifications on the lock screen beforehand but when I open my phone it is just an explosion of all of those notifications. Anyway to fix this?

4 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

I'm not sure if you can dismiss the notifications from the lock screen (because I prefer not to show my notifications on the lock screen), but you should be able to.  After you read the notification on your lock screen, swipe it away to dismiss it.  It's not spamming if you enabled the notifications, it's just a bombardment because, apparently, you get a lot of notifications.  I also have a watch, so I dismiss my notifications from the watch once I read them.


Galaxy S25
I mean I have discord, fb, texts and a bunch of other things that notify and if I clear them in the notification before opening my phone I still get spammed
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

Perhaps dismissing the notification from the lock screen does not actually dismiss the notification the way it does from the watch, just takes it off the lock screen.  Some people do dismiss them from the lock screen but still want to view them later, so I suppose that's the reason they don't dismiss from the phone.  


The only thing I can suggest is that if you already viewed your messages on the lock screen, when you open the phone, they should be behind the notification shade with only the icons showing in the status bar.  You can just pull down the shade and tap on the "clear" button to clear them all away.  I looked, and there does not seem to be away to automate this process with a routine or a setting to turn on in the notifications setting to dismiss notifications when dismissed from the lock screen.  Edit and retitle your post to a feature request requesting that this feature be considered. No guarantee it will ever be incorporated, but it will be flagged.

Galaxy S25

Yes - The issue is the 'Doze' functionality on Android 15.

When your phone goes into a sleep state, Doze puts apps into a standby mode, which delays notifications until the phone is woken up.

To fix this, you can use an app such as Doze stopper (Still delays them by about a minute) or to run an ADB command (Technical fix).

The issue has been around for a while on most other android handsets since Android 14, however now Samsung are upgrading their line of phones I'm hoping there's more of a priority to fix the issue.