Original topic:

Dual SIM Cards - Can only use SAME texting app

(Topic created: 5 hours ago)
Galaxy S25
I'm considering purchasing the S25 Ultra so that I can use both my personal phone # and my private practice (mental health) phone #'s in ONE phone --- and do away w/ having to use two (2) phones. 

Does anyone know whether one can use DIFFERENT/SEPARATE texting apps per SIM phone # on the phone????

B/c of privacy laws, I can't have my personal text msgs and any text msgs sent to my clients using the same texting app

I would love to upgrade from my Galaxy Note 20 Ultra (for personal use) and my Galaxy S20FE (private practice phone) and purchase one phone for both uses, but I must have a phone w/the capability of assigning a separate/different texting app to each SIM phone #

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