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Apps are not compatible with Android 15

(Topic created: 02-02-2025 12:48 PM)
Galaxy S25

Something strange is occurring here! šŸ˜‚. I traded in my S24 Ultra for the 25 Ultra and so many apps are not updating to the latest versions. I get that the phone still hasn't officially been made available but goodness, can you guys open it up already? Even apps that aren't Samsung store apps are affected and I was running the OneUI beta.

For instance, I use the Google messages beta version and the early features I was used to using have all disappeared. Maybe it's server side, but it's really annoying to use a device that seemingly isn't recognized as a "legitimate" device yet because it hasn't fully been released. 
Loving the phone though. You guys are doing something right on the design front. I love the lighter weight, the rounded corners with flat edges are what I've been waiting for! I just want them cohesive for next year. I want the same angle, same curvature for all devices regardless of model. What sets the ultra apart should always just be the S-Pen, higher specs and cameras. I want to see 6000 mah next year along with a 10x optical zoom - maybe a 12x optical zoom. My S23 Ultra camera outperformed my S24 Ultra by a landslide. 
I'd also really like to uninstall any apps that I don't want. Meta apps, Samsung apps, anything that's not core needed should be removable. Looking at things like "meta app installer, meta app manager, meta services" those are optional apps that I'd like to completely remove from my device, not just disable.
Also, bring back the secure folder backup. However you need to do it. Maybe have it link to the personal vault to Microsoft onedrive or the locked folder for Google drive, that way it uses an existing privacy cloud that already is available as opposed to designating data specifically for that on Samsung's end.
Start baking your good lock apps into OneUI. Have it featured as another selection on the settings menu under advanced features. Some people don't even look at those settings if they aren't a power user. Those of us who love and appreciate good lock modules will find them trust me. 
Your new animation settings are beautiful! But there needs to be either a design change for the ultra, or have ultra-specific (no pun intended) design elements that match its particular curvature or angles. The non-conformity of the design elements makes it seem like it's just a phone, whereas having them match with such a level of detail could really be something to marvel at. My guess though is, it'd be easier to just redesign to make them all uniform as I suggested earlier. 
Thanks for coming to my TED TALK lol. Rant over!
6 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

Other than Samsung apps, Samsung has no control over which apps get updated to be compatible with the new UI.  Developers perform updates on their schedules. It's also one of the pitfalls of having to be the first one out of the gate to obtain the new shiny object.  The rest of the world has not caught up yet.

Galaxy S25
The point I was making was all the updates were there for the 24 ultra on beta software and not on the 25 ultra running official software. Also, Samsung apps aren't being updated for 25 ultra. Good Lock modules that I had downloaded on my s24 ultra are still not available or unplugged for my 25 ultra. That part is not cool.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25
Good lock will be updated when One UI7 is officially released after the beta concludes.
Neutron Star
Galaxy S25
There are updates to QuickStar and Home Up via APK but to utilize QuickStar you need to download Fine Lock for some reason QuickStar APK won't work with Good Lock once Home Up APK is installed it will be available in Home Screen Settings > More Customizations
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S25

Yeah, but why mess with something that's probably going to mess up the updated app going forward.  Best just to wait for the finished, official product. So you have to live without some conveniences for a little while. Life is full of disappointments like that.

Galaxy S25
I agree with the secure folder backup, ironically as I'm reading this I'm actually seeing if I can back up from my previous Samsung 8 plus which I had many many years ago. It backed up on my phone pictures and that but it did not back up my notes which is the most important I put all my secure stuff in those notes. So I guess I'm going to have to write all my notes all over again before I send back in my s23 ultra for the trade-in.