Original topic:

Why using "Call assistant" doest not let your hear the call with BT headset ?

(Topic created: a week ago)
Galaxy S24


My question/inquery may be dumb, but a really can't understand why i have to rely on the unacurate writted transcription (in french at least)  in case of just being able to hear the caller on my connected BT device.


(also if the caller never stop talking, i never get the transcription xddd)


Is my use case rare ? 

I'm in the train with my headset get a call, i don't want to miss it, I HATE bothering other passengers by talking on the phone, so i'm like duck it i've got the "smartest" phone ever, i'll use call assistant ! 

and i end up not understranding anything because i have to rely on this bad transcription šŸ˜ž WHY ?? 

being able to write to my caller so he can lisen to the assistant is so good and works great, so sad i can't understrand anything back šŸ˜ž


is there any chance to have something changed about this ? 

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