Original topic:

The Samsung two step

(Topic created: 4 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24
Word on the street is the S24 will not be recieving some OTA upgrades the S25 is slated to. Although Samsung claims hardware limitations, it turns out this is not the case.
Samsung has been in my home for decades. If Samsung starts down this narrow minded path, my household will turn to Apple. Samsung, understand this promise. Once I leave, I will never come back. And it will be across the board. As I read, others are like minded. Samsung needs to remember who helped them attain it's status.
3 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

Word on the street? Lolololol. A) the updates didn't happen yet. B) Samsung is under no obligation to, nor did they promise, that the older phones would get the same exact fratures as their newest phone. What would be the point of that? Even among the same series models, there are differences in features - that's why the price points are different. You will get the new UI, along with whichever features they choose to include for the S24. If you want everything the S25 has, you will have to buy an S25.

Oh, and no one is holding you hostage to remain with Samsung, so I'm not sure what the intent of your threat is.

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Enjoy apple
Galaxy S24
Is that Rumor Street? A fragile life you have if your smartphone maybe not getting X or Y and you'll fall apart.

Go ahead get an iPhone. Then your tune will be, but I could do that with Samsung. You're driving yourself crazy, for a phone.