Original topic:

Samsung Messages

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24

We should make Samsung Messages a standalone app as in not required to be used as a default app and able to  be used freely amongst Samsung users at least with chat settings (if the active carrier supports it) and new additions as in reactions and other new privacy settings. It's time for an update and we are aware of the struggle with the default android messenger but that shouldn't prevent us from using something that is a staple and convenient. It would be nice to also be able to have communication with ios and other oems if this is granted, even if its without rcs for the non Samsung devices for Samsung messages, for quick messages and we could use google messages as the default for groups or whatever's needed there. We could use both the google messages (as default) and Samsung Messages(just like we can other messengers) but at least we would have the ability to keep our core messenger being that millions have Samsung phones and my household alone would be impacted by not having access to this app until google gets it together. If we are forced not to use Samsung messages we will download the next best thing like WhatsApp, signal, or telegram anyhow and we really don't want to, but before were forced to use a subpar app that's what many of us will do and this app - Samsung Messages - that we love would just be discarded prematurely. Please continue to look into solutions, there are thousands on this forum speaking up on how important this messenger is.  Please remove the restriction of having to choose and let us use both. Please remove the default tag from Samsung messages so we could use it freely. If other platforms can build messengers with tons of features and put them on our app stores there's no reason why Samsung cant provide the same experience. Let google have the default tag but also allow us to use Samsung messages freely. Your consumers have millions of ideas lets keep our messenger active.

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