Original topic:

S24 Ultra Camera Quality Feedback

(Topic created: 02-02-2024 04:54 PM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
As many of us are experiencing these camera issues where the post processing ruins images taken by making them grainy or too saturated. I found temporarily that using the camera in safe mode and airplane mode gave me way better results when using the camera . Hopefully they fix this soon
Turns out my camera issue is a hardware issue. I spoke to representative and there are no updates coming for the camera, only for the screen issues. I will return mine an get a new device. Seems I got a early model that was part of a bad batch. 
Update: got my replacement device today NIGHT AND DAY DIFFERENCE. now this is what the s24 ultra is supposed to be. WOW I can't believe the difference. The screen for sure is way brighter and more colorful and the camera is amazing and no issues with post processing ruining images. If anything it just makes them way better. I can't believe what a difference there is between the devices 
726 Replies
Galaxy S24
Casosix I previously performed all these steps you mentioned, I've done a lot of research and as You can see my friend Jay above has the same issues and plenty of other users. You're 1 in a million that got lucky.
Galaxy S24
@JayyT The phone has great features aside from the camera, but the camera is the main #1 priority for most users, my plan is wait for the next update and if the problem persist then trade it in for another.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Yes. Itā€™s an amazing phone, but I need a reliable camera for my work and this one lets me down. I have to keep double checking to make sure the photo is not blurry. Definitely not a point and shoot camera. I returned mine today before my window closed. Iā€™ll keep watch on the upcoming updates to see if thereā€™s any improvement. If not, Iā€™ll stick with my 14 Pro Max and wait to see what the 16 brings along with Apple to include RCS, or wait for the S25 Ultra next year 

Galaxy S24
OP, change to these settings and see the difference.1713461309171.jpg
Galaxy S24
I played with all the settings possible and nothing changed, Samsung just needs to update its optimization software, it optimizes everything overly saturated Even after you turn it off.
Galaxy S24

So I recently bought S24 Ultra from Samsung website and saying that I am disappointed will be a massive understatement. I still have my S23 Ultra with me and when I compare the results of both phones, the difference is night and day. The details, the image quality & details are all messed up on S24 Ultra. And this is after the patch that is supposed to fix all these issues. I dont even wanna talk about the Selfie camera on how terrible it is.

Posting a couple of pictures as comparison. I have tried different camera modes, resolution etc. S23 Ultra is miles better in every expect. S24 Ultra certainly has better colors and video quality, but other than that everything is just outright horrendous.

Has anyone found a fix to these issues? 

UPDATE : I went to a Samsung store and they acknowledged that the result is completely off and I can take it to a service center for a more detailed technical diagnosis. 


Below are some comparison photos


S24 Ultra

S24 Ultra Cropped 1.jpg

S23 Ultra

S23 Ultra Cropped 1.jpg

S23 Ultra

S23 Ultra Cropped 2.jpg

S24 Ultra

S24 Ultra Cropped 2.jpg

S23 Ultra


S23 Samsung Cropped.jpg

S24 Ultra

S24 Samsung Cropped.jpg

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Have you installed any of the software updates?
Galaxy S24

I have tried everything from software.

Installed the update
Installed Camera Assistant
Installed Expert RAW
Tweaked Advanced Intelligence to minimum.
Reset Camera Settings
Reset Phone to Factory Default.

Nothing seems to work and the images are still super grainy and lack a lot of details which S23 Ultra seems to be capturing without any issues at all. All the images seem to have a weird white tint which just makes the photos look so dull, grainy and unsaturated. The details are missing too. 

Galaxy S24

Facing exactly the same issue. I was thinking that I am the only one who is facing this issue. Samsung messed up big time. S23 Ultra pictures are far better in night mode as well. I compared it. 

Galaxy S24

I also had both phones and I think the S24 Ultra has the upper hand on the Camera.

Some things you may want to play with:

1. Change the MegaPixels (MP) your camera uses to take photos. By default, S24 uses 12 MP which is good but doesn't capture enough detail. I would use 50 MP as standard for daily photos and 200 MP for Zoom-in pictures.

2. Are you using Camera Assistant? If not, download it from the Samsung App Store.

Let me know if you have better results or if you have questions.