Original topic:

One UI not available in my country

(Topic created: 02-19-2025 11:11 AM)
Galaxy S24
How is it nor available in my country yet it is already installed? I purchased this device new in this country and One UI came pre-installed. I can't find it in the Galaxy Store app. The Google Play Store app says it's not available in my country.


I am encountering this issue with a few different apps. I contacted "the developer" about this issue. They have ignored my inquiry. 
2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24

OneUI is the user interface that Samsung uses on its devices.  It comes installed on every Samsung phone.  What you have installed on your phone is the current version for your country, whatever version that is - most likely OneUI6.1.  The newest OneUI is 7.0 and it is not yet available in most countries except for a specific model phone.  To get the upcoming version, you would have to wait for your phone to be updated through the normal processes.

Also, you have landed in the forum for U.S. phones, and specific questions you have about your equipment and software might be better off being addressed in the forum for your country, as hardware and software differs.

Galaxy S24

One UI system is not the same as the One UI Home app. I wasn't sure what the function of the app was and from what I can tell from a Google search is One UI Home is an app the system uses that allows you to customize your phones home and lock screens, other features such as edge panel, notifications panels and so on. It comes preinstalled on the device. Apparently if it isn't preinstalled then it would not be available to you. I checked both the Play Store and Samsung Store and it doesn't even show up in a search.

As already mentioned this is a US based forum, you need to post this in the forum for your region.