Original topic:

February 2024 "Security" update Causes Catastrophic issues + March Update did not fix.

(Topic created: 03-02-2024 09:40 AM)
Galaxy S24

After the February update last night, my phone has become nearly unusable. No videos play, freezing in Duolingo, slowed performance, and glitchiness throughout. Can't use Facebook or Instagram due to the video issue—videos are frozen and won't play. Additionally, the phone is overheating, very hot to touch. This phone has been cool since I got it two weeks ago. Really upset. Hoping the March 2nd update will fix it. I have the 1TB unlocked version directly from Samsung.

3rd Update: 3/4/24 12pm:
The phone is nearly unusable post-March update. On the first day, it consumed nearly 60% of the battery while idle on my kitchen counter unplugged. The next day, with 1:30 of active screen use, it used 124% battery, reaching temperatures of 40-45 degrees Celsius. Videos on social media platforms and Talk-to-Text randomly fail. These issues, along with others, started after the March 2nd update. Restarting temporarily resolves the video and Talk-to-Text problems, but I need to restart the phone 5-7 times a day to keep it functional. Before the update, the phone worked flawlessly. I am hoping someone else has a solution. I don't think there is something wrong with phone but the software.

2nd update 2:30pm :I spoke too soon. Video has stopped working on Instagram and Facebook again.  I have restarted 3 more times in hopes it would resolve it. Everything worked flawlessly as of last night before the february security update.

One other issue, power drain. My cell phone is plugged in and it cannot fully charge if the screen is on.  IT has been stuck at 74% for a while now. Now at 73% after about 15 minutes of showing 74%.  If things were working correctly, it should be charging at 1% or faster per minute, and that is not happening. It is just stuck saying 7 minutes until full.  I have the advanced battery support turned on so it only charges to 80% max, but now it wont even do that. Currently it has no major apps running, it is just sitting next to me. The screen is very warm. 

1st Update, 11am : Phone has restarted after March 2 update and now videos will play again. That was very unsettling and I wonder how many people returned their phones because of the glitch with the February update. I am glad I only had to deal with it for a few hours. 

67 Replies
Galaxy S24

Yes, I have done that. I agree it is a good maintenance task. 

Galaxy S24

The phone is nearly unusable post-March update. On the first day, it consumed nearly 60% of the battery while idle on my kitchen counter unplugged. The next day, with 1:30 of active screen use, it used 124% battery, reaching temperatures of 40-45 degrees Celsius. Videos on social media platforms and Talk-to-Text randomly fail. These issues, along with others, started after the March 2nd update. Restarting temporarily resolves the video and Talk-to-Text problems, but I need to restart the phone 5-7 times a day to keep it functional. Before the update, the phone worked flawlessly. I am hoping someone else has a solution. I don't think there is something wrong with phone but the software.Screenshot_20240303_193832_Device care.jpgScreenshot_20240304_080954_Device care.jpgScreenshot_20240303_074230_CPU X.jpgScreenshot_20240303_104832_CPU X.jpg

Galaxy S24
After the last update, my S24 no longer has fast charge. Took hours to charge from about 50%.
Galaxy S24
Yes, mine has the exact same issue. I cannot get it to do any sorts of fast charging.
Galaxy S24
Still trying to track down what's going on and if there's a possible way to resolve it without replacing phone. So far no success. I have tried to kill every possible app that is running in hopes that it would alter the battery drain but that is not happening. The phone is hot or really hot all day long.
Galaxy S24
This is absolutely insane. I left the house for a few hours and the phone was not used at all while I was gone. I shot three photographs in a cafe and otherwise it was sitting in my pocket for 3 hours. When I got back in my car after 3 hours the battery had the dwindled from 69% down to 22%. When I got home it was down to 12%. I put it on the charger and it is at 9%. It simply will not charge and is too hot to supercharge. This is so insane. Brand new phone.

It is currently 3:00 in the afternoon and my phone has been off the charger for about 3 hours out of the day and down to 9%.1709768199922.jpg
Galaxy S24
Dude, I'm getting anxiety reading these. You're gonna have to suck it up and get a new phone I know it sucks and about the whole transferring apps without Smart Switch, It might just be an unfortunate price to pay if it helps.
Galaxy S24

All fixed. I shared detailed info on what was the cause. 

Galaxy S24

Im having the same issues. My battery life is affected after the system update. Sleeping overnight from 78% battery life and then when i wake up in tge morning my phone is dead.. i am using note 20 ultra 5g. They need to fix this

Galaxy S24
I have completely resolved it and I wrote a detailed update as to what went wrong. It was a conflict with a various number of apps. I've had no problems for 4 days now.