Original topic:

S23 Ultra Logic Board Repair

(Topic created: 01-24-2025 10:45 AM)
Galaxy S23


Samsung Support asked me to go to UBreakIFix.  They said my S23 Ultra has a short on the Main (Logic?) board. They won't/can't fix it.

Does anyone know a good repair place that could fix for a reasonable price?  $800 is not reasonable.



7 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
Well, I would think that replacing the thing that makes the phone work is the equivalent of buying a new phone with labor charges tacked on. You might have to seriously consider replacement/upgrade of the phone rather than repair. Going to uBreakiFix gets you genuine Samsung parts by Samsung certified techs; who knows what you get with a mystery shop? Also, no one knows your location, so how can they recommend someplace? I recommend a search of your local area, perhaps in Google maps or yelp
Galaxy S23


I bought an S24 Ultra as a replacement but there are several items on the S23 Ultra that I'd like back more than just pictures and videos. And if I get the phone working I could return the S24 for a refund. That's $1,200. I'm in Long Island, NY but I can ship the phone to anyone willing to fix it.  Not replace the main (logic) board. I believe all the data is on the that board, so replacing it, is like getting a new phone. I've watched videos online of tech repair a short by replacing a capacitor. I was hoping that's what my issue is.


Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

I think if uBreakiFix says it's the logic board, that's what it is.  You spent $1,200 for a new phone, so you may as well keep it, unless it makes more sense to you to refurbish the S23 at $800.  In order to recover your data from the logic board, you would have to pay bigger bucks to a data recovery shop with uncertain results (and you pay anyway, success or not).  It is prudent to make regular backups of important data - and some of it may still be in the Samsung or Google cloud in your backup, which you can restore to either your new device or your repaired device. Try restoring your backup to the S24 and see what you get back.  At the very least, you get your apps and settings.  Your photos should be synced and backed up with Google and your contacts should be either saved/synced with Google, Samsung, or your SIM and may remain with the backup, if saved to your phone.


You can always ask at UBIF if repair of the logic board is possible or if replacement is the only option.  It may actually cost more to repair it than replace it.

Galaxy S23

All great feedback. Thanks I will take it under consideration.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
I very likely can recover your data. I have an S23 Ultra that is 512gb, n a fold 6. Never ever have i had a logic board go bad on a s series phone that was mine. S23 I have the qfil *qualcomm programmer software, and a edl cable. I believe the s23 series .mbn/partition table needed to do a complete backup of all the data.

The tricky part is, if you have frp lock enabled or not backed up. Then I have to unlock the bootloader to pull the data. Assuming perhaps it's not as simple as a bad daufhterboard? Like usb c socket and or display cable? The mainboard may be fine. Iv literally knocked a few resistors off on accident and had my note 10 ran over with no damage to the mainboard. If you want, make a video of the issue and share it with me, I fix samsunf stuff quite often. A hair dryer and plastic Pic is really all you need along with a Phillips and the mainboard comes out. I'd be happy to show you some videos and or help you diagnose it with some software that I can't discuss haha
Galaxy S23


I've experienced same issue as OP and been advised main board could be at fault. I'd like to try recovery my data if possible so would be interested to see the videos you talk about?

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S23
Go to amazon buy a multimeter and some guitar pics, or a razor blade since new back glass is only 10$ and might as well give it a new battery ay? 15-20$. I wouldn't believe nothing they say. Ubreakifix even told me once. That they fixed my phone (warranty, dead pixels) and had to UN FIX IT. Because the software Siad the vibratory motor thing didn't calibrate right. The dude said it was samsungs rules and they had to go ny contract an it didn't seem like he was happy to disclose any of that. I just explained to him what the issue was and how I coukd fix it but a warranty is a warranty. 3rd party board repair shop. Most of them if it's not the board probably just 100$ for a new battery and maybe if they have to solder. Bht with board repair I stop at game councils. I mean sure you CAN trace a short by hand but unless its a known fault and Louis Rossman or someone on YouTube has put together a reverse engerried wiring diagram your better off just buying a smashed up run over phone off ebay for 100$ and either swapping the board, or if it is locked just learn QFIL.

Sorry I'm a 3rd party repair guy. More of. A hobby lol