Original topic:

Is this Normal?

(Topic created: 02-16-2025 07:11 AM)
Galaxy S23
I was looking through my phone is came for app permissions and discovered samsungs "TIPS" and "Notes" both had crazy default permissions. Such as Both are my "samsung account managers". And they can read and write or delete any files on my phone. Lastly I've been getting one time verifications from places I use passkeys for and I'm wondering if someone can help me out here.

Screenshot shows all permissions which cannot be denied.

Thanks in advance


1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

These permissions are necessary for those apps to work properly.  Notes needs access to the network settings for sharing.  When it says that an app with administrator privileges can read or delete any file on your phone, that does not mean that it goes through your phone changing things.  However, you cannot delete anything from an app like notes without this permission.  It means it's giving *you* permission to delete things.  So many people do not understand what this permission does -- they just see "can access and delete any file", and they panic. The tips, I guess, needs the permission because there are links in and commands in certain of the tips to assist you in doing things with your phone.  I wouldn't become paranoid or too worried about these apps having these permissions, as these are official, Samsung trusted apps.  The time for concern would be if some app you just downloaded from somewhere requested these permissions.  In cases like that, you must be very sure you trust the source and know why they need that permission.  I know people get concerned about things like this because they can't see why a particular app needs this permission, but when you think about it, it makes sense.  If you disable the permission the app won't work properly and when you open the app it will ask you for that permission.


Generally speaking, if an app requires a certain permission, it's for a legitimate reason, even if you don't clearly understand why.