Original topic:

Samsung S22 WiFi Calling Issues

(Topic created: 04-22-2022 09:52 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

Hello everyone! 

I recently got the regular Samsung S22 about a month ago. So far I love it, except for one thing.

I sporadically have issues receiving or making calls, and also receiving or sending texts at my place of work. I understand that since I work in a steel building that my cellular coverage will be disrupted, which is why I was excited for the WiFi calling feature. 

However, even when I am connected to WiFi calling and have WiFi calling turned on I still miss a ton of calls, texts are slow to send and receive, and making calls takes a long time too if they go through at all. Sometimes texts won't send either.

I have tried all of the steps short of factory reset, because I didn't want to go through all of that and it not even help the problem, although that may be my next step if it still is not working properly.

I've restarted my phone, performed a Network reset, turned airplane mode on, removed and reinserted my SIM card, toggled WiFi calling on and off, toggled between Cellular preferred to WiFi preferred.

I have contacted both Samsung and my carrier and went through all of the steps they both recommended, and they both ended with them telling me to contact the other. The people at Samsung recommended I go to a 'Samsung Walk-in Service Center' which, unfortunately, I don't have one remotely close to me. So they recommend I go to Best Buy and speak to them, which I plan on doing tomorrow. (Fingers crossed)

My carrier wanted me to perform a speed test on the WiFi, which I did, and it must have passed because he had no recommendations for that. When I look at the WiFi symbol it shows I have full bars.

My old phone was a Motorola Moto Z4, which I NEVER had problems making/received calls or sending/receiving texts at work. Same carrier and everything, and that was only a month ago. Nothing else has changed except the phone.

I plan on going to Best Buy tomorrow, but I was just wanting to check in with you guys to see if you had any recommendations/tips/tricks.

I'm through Verizon, if that helps.

Thank you all in advance!

44 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

@Sully9088 Oh no worries at all!

Most of my issues are just when I'm connected to the WiFi at work, I've not had too many problems making calls elsewhere thankfully.

I have great service at the rest of the places a frequent and have not had any other issues. No 5G where I'm at yet though.

Neutron Star
Galaxy S22

seems like Cass94 is helping quite a bit... while you go about your search for fixing. you can report this issue to samsung using samsung members app > get help > error report   after reproducing the issue.

You should at the least get a reply to confirm if the feature(or the phone in general) is the issue or not.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

@Cass94 has helped a ton for sure!

It seems as though it's working now, I did message back and forth with Samsung starting last night and finishing this morning, but it wasn't through the app.

Neutron Star
Galaxy S22

the chat feature does get you to a support but the department is different than what I suggested. 

The chats are strictly dealing with shallow levels for the most part (but often times  you do get better/knowledgeable support in the day times since they are IN-US supports as far as I've noticed, in the evening you can pretty much expect over-seas support working off of scripts).

If you report using the Samsung Members app you share the issue logs with samsung engineers and they tend to catch the issue causes quite often (some issues they just don't have access to the info, things like OS related or deep level of network related information)

Galaxy S22
Most of the connectivity problems will be solved by the software updates. My s21 takes at least 6 months (which have 2 or 3 updates) and now the phone is working perfectly. This is android, be patient 🤷