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MEGA THREAD: One UI 6 General Feedback

(Topic created: 12-17-2023 07:47 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

Awful update of one UI 6. Recently upgraded my s22 ultra to one UI 6 and I really wanna go back. Last time I wrote about the issues in the gallery app, video player in gallery app, and notification panel. After discovering more things about new update is that now I can't play my audio in 2 different Bluetooth speakers at once using media control. I also can't switch back and forth the audio from Bluetooth speaker to my phone speaker and to achieve this I either need to disconnect the speaker or turn off the Bluetooth. This is getting absurd, day by day. These are all my daily activities in life and samsung have completely messed things around and there is no going back. Very poor update from samsung especially at the time of Christmas and season of music. The developers of this  upgrade have arbitrarily made changes without thinking about the users.

1,313 Replies
Galaxy S22
I understand you're upset but no one's lively hood should ever be jeopardized
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
I forgot to mention that Google maps freezes up while driving. The only way to fix that is to restart navigation. That is not hands free driving, illegal and dangerous. I have had a few samsung phones in my past both cheaper and better ones, Google, Motorola and nothing has performed this poorly. I've factory reset and hand loaded my apps and data with no difference. The menu system is so complex that you have to start a members user group to operate a phone. I never had to ask anyone how to navigate setup menus. With this phone it is the only to make it useable. I spent 18 months making changes here and there so I can read it outdoors. It's suppose to be best display ever but I'm sure it's software causing these issues. Now with the update its all changed.

It also won't send send emails lately through Gmail app so I have to use Outlook or use my home computer. The simplest things that should work are not working. Nothing has changed on my end. I keep updated and check settings. I notice with the update 6 that I can barely tell which emails are read and which are not read the bold font looks like regular font. Why should I have to waste my life tweaking on a phone to get it useable.

PS I wouldn't fire the programmers these are decisions management is approving. Start at the top of the ladder
Galaxy S22

Some things are being blocked by Samsung that are GOOGLE related.   I got this from another web site and I am now looking deeper into it.

"By using this, You can change layouts and settings of Google Basic Quickpanel which is blocked by Samsung"

This was in reference to Samsung QuickStar, meaning that to modify settings and such on things you have to use QuickStar, a Samsung product. 

It could be that Gmail , being a Google entity, is being interfered with also.  It is hard to tell for sure.


Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
I agree they are somehow making Google apps function improperly. First it was Google maps, then Gmail and now my Google keyboard is not working with UI6 upgrade. Each upgrade I have a Google app lose functionality. Probably so I have to download and use a Samsung app. They must sell my info and data everytime I download one of their apps
Galaxy S22

Are you kidding?  Not satisfying customers is one of the primary reasons people should be fired.

Galaxy S22
100% agree. Ridiculous
Galaxy S22
If this update is causing my texting to change please reset it !
Galaxy S22
Since the update, not only did the font size, icon size, and widgets change, but things I had saved to my home screen disappeared. But the worst is everything on the phone looks grainy, dull, and flat, much like a photo in an old newspaper. I've spent hours trying to adjust it look like it did before or at least something I could live with but I haven't been successful. The S23 doesn't give me the ability to adjust the resolution. I was very happy with my phone before this update, now I'm thinking I want to trade it in for a Pixel. What's the point of having an AMOLED display when everything looks like a bad photo copy? Samsung needs to let us roll back.
Galaxy S22
Agree. My phone now sucks and the emojis are third rate. Please give us back the previous UI
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Yep. I 100% agree. Nothing in the quick settings is customizable anymore and everything I need is out of thumbs reach! **bleep** samsung