Original topic:

Alarm plays wrong sound on what is selected

(Topic created: 11-01-2023 11:42 AM)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22

I just had a huge issue. I'm so confused this has never happened.

So I've noticed the phone being buggy but wasn't anything important. Well then I noticed one of my day alarms changed its sound from "angel's feather" to a "single short beep". The alarm will read "angels feather, but the sound that goes off is a beep. 
Well I was to busy to look into it and my normal work alarm worked fine, until it didn't.
Yesterday my job called me asking why I wasn't at work and I couldn't understand why my alarm didn't go off. 
Knowing that the phone was buggy I just factory reset it and reset the alarms to normal. 
What do you know the very next  day I get the same call why are you not at work. Also with a threat to loose my position. 
I reset the alarm when I got to work and instead of playing the angel feathers a single beep went off. This is after the factory reset!! 
I'm furious and confused. Every one is acting like I'm making it up or I'm just crazy. Now I need to by a darn plug in alarm clock so I don't lose my position. 
Any ideas what's happening would be extremely appreciated šŸ˜ž 
I've had samsung phones for ages and I've never ever seen this. 
14 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
One ui 5.1
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22
Thank you for confirming that info. This is a very odd situation, considering you have already performed a factory reset and the issue still persists. Are you restoring from a backup after resetting? It's possible whatever is wrong is being transfered back onto your device afterward. Try factory resetting and starting completely fresh. If that doesn't fix it, I highly recommend visiting your closest Samsung authorized service center, like uBreakiFix, for further evaluation. Diagnostics are typically free. It's possible the phone just needs the OS reflashed. They will be able to tell you for sure.


Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Yeah I did my best to avoid any back up restore when I factory reset the phone. But I mean they toss so much at you now when you start up it's very hard to catch up with exactly what's being done. It could be the case because I noticed my contacts were there and I did not click anything saying I wanted to restore contacts.
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22
One thing you can check before factory resetting and starting fresh is booting into Safe Mode. From the power menu, the way you normally turn off or restart your phone, press and hold the Power off icon on the screen until the option for Safe Mode appears. This disables all 3rd party apps. If the alarm works normally, a 3rd party app you have installed is interfering in some way.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
What is even odd about this is this 1 beep alarm glitch happens only in a designated time. I saw this on redit, then when I tried to get a screen recording of the one beep after like 7pm it went to its normal alarm sound -_- so makes it hard to test. I'm assuming it's some type of malware I've never ever had this happen.
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22
How strange! You can manually set the time on your phone to test it by disabling Automatically date and time in Settings>General management>Date and time. I really think that a factory reset and starting from zero would likely be your best bet in this scenario.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
So the alarms went back to normal, but then my phone started ringing like there was a call but no icons were showing and no apps running. Just ringing endlessly. I reset the phone and the ringing started again.

So I wiped the phone a second time made sure no back ups were going on. I did notice after wipe it asked me to use my lock screen pin to verify it was me but how can that happen on a factory reset phone?? It should have no previous lock screen information. I could not load up unless I entered the pin.

I'm assuming the malware is on the Sim card. Is there a way to wipe Sim card and factory reset.

It seems this may be tuff do to the fact the malware may be on the phone now dormant. I would need a fresh card, factory reset it and load the new card before I boot up to prevent an injection
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
OK I live in a very rural small town we don't have those services here or I'd gladly take it to them for a free evaluation. That's why I'm trouble shooting it my self.
Galaxy S22

You are not alone! My wife's alarms changed to the beeping about a week ago and we can't figure out why!! Was surprised to see something so recent but please let me know if you fix it!