Original topic:

Adjusting Camera Zoom

(Topic created: 09-19-2023 11:52 PM)
Galaxy S22

It used to be possible to adjust the camera zoom continuously. Now there are only two settings: 1X and 3X is there some way to restore the continual zoom?

15 Replies
Red Giant
Galaxy S22
It's not something that can be turned off or disabled. It is a core function of the system app camera. Unless you have the international model and you are rooted?
Red Giant
Galaxy S22
Look at my screenshot This is me and the camera app right now in my kitchen do you see all of the zoom options at the bottom? That is because I started to pinch outwards on my screen and the phone recognized I wanted zoom so it's showing me the increments I can zoom immediately to or I can manually zoom to any number between those.

Are you telling us that you cannot do this on your phone?? Your phone does absolutely nothing when you pinch with two fingers and spread them away from each other? If you don't have root access or if you have the Snapdragon S22 Ultra, You are going to need to buy and replace the entire camera module which would be all of the lenses you see at the back They are all connected on one block underneath the back glass, you can replace every camera as a single unit That's what I would do but I have a feeling that you have the international one and you have system access and broke it by accident If that's the case then please tell me and I can tell you exactly how to fix it but you just got to be honest with me send me a PM if you need to I'm a developer so if you tell me exactly what happened and it's software related then I can get you out of this mess but if you have a Snapdragon processor I'm afraid you're going to have to do some repairs and buy a new module pack of cameras and either install them yourself or bring your phone to a repair shop and have them install it. Believe it or not it's not that big of a job to replace the rear cameras, I have done jobs on an S22 Ultra twice and I was able to access the cameras in under 10 minutes easily. It's the front OLED that's a little hairy to take off. It usually shatters the rear glass though even if it shatters you can get it for 10 bucks on AmazonScreenshot_20230920_150000_Camera.jpg
Red Giant
Galaxy S22
The only explanation would be is if your phone is rooted and through your system access via root something you did broke the cameras access to The Periscope lens which is the lens the phone uses beyond 10x but you said you can only go to 3x so that would mean your phone is only using the primary camera lens and the small wide angle. So basically you're using two of your four cameras. You have to give us more info man This can't be done without system access. There's something you're either not telling us or you are just literally not pinching on the photos part of the camera app and zooming Make sure you're not in video or any of the other 15 modes there are You will get the 100 time zoom in photo mode or astrophotography
Galaxy S22

My phone is not rooted, but the suggestion from VerbumVeritim solved the problem that I was having. The full continuous zoom function was restored after I tried what he suggested. I would guess that a system update  up my cache.

Red Giant
Galaxy S22
Oh okay I didn't even see his comment. I gave you the exact same solution except you didn't have to clear the camera apps storage data. That part I assume he gave you as an extra layer of precaution but that wasn't necessary only wiping the cash partition and repair apps and you were good after that. I had to do it also but not for camera I had my one UI home screen completely mashed up from the patch My system UI kept crashing from it so just remember for future reference, after a system update, it's never a bad idea to wipe your cache partition and repair apps then finally go to good guardian and run galaxy app booster on every app you have not the default only the last apps from 30 days you need it to boost every app on the phone whether you use it or not and that will just essentially tidy up everything that the update gave you it links new to old and you will have noticeably less lag in any animation and app opening. It's a pretty significant little boost it gives you but it's only effective after a new monthly update has been pushed so you should run it if you have it, you should definitely have good guardians if you don't and download the apps that good guardians controls They are extremely useful except for the media scanning tool that one is pretty useless we already have so many layers of security when installing new apps and media. So yeah if you want a nice noticeable boost in animations and app opening times as well as better battery life go ahead and run Galaxy app booster it's a Samsung made app inside of good guardians. Usually it'll tell you exactly how much of a boost it'll give you It's generally 14 or 15% speed boost which is app opening time and animation smoothness you won't have any jutter or skipping when animations run and your apps will load faster after being opened.
Galaxy S22
Thank you very much.