Original topic:

Individual and Group Text Message Notification sound

(Topic created: 01-16-2021 09:43 AM)
Galaxy S Phones
I don't understand why this feature was removed!!!!!! Now when I get a text I have no idea who it can be. Before we had the option to assign a notification to each contact and group. I had a separate notification for Family, Friends and Work, and now there is no option, it's all the same!!! Why can't you put that back!!!!
Galaxy S Phones

@user0Kn4czpc5I wrote:
please add group notification feature back. This helps distinguish which group is texting and if it's important. I don't need the background for people because I'm the only one seeing this. That's not important! Group messaging notifications are...

Good luck with that.... if you look at the first post on this thread, it's been griped about for a Long Long time.  Doesn't seem to be inportant to the people at the update section of Samsung.  


I use Textra.  

I can assign individual message tones to individuals.

I can assign individual message tones to Groups. 

But I can't assign individual messge tones to individuals within the groups.

Unless they changed in in the past few updates, you can assign individual tones to individuals in your list, BUT you must maintain a copy of the message thread.  Once you delete that thread, all modifications go away.  With Textra, you can assign Tone A to Person A, and Tone B to Person B.  When Person A sends you a text, you Get Person A's Tone.  Same with B.  

That is the one thing that Samsung did that irritated the heck out of me.  

Before, you assigned individual tones to the person through the Contacts App.  Why the heck did they take that away???

Galaxy S Phones

This solution no longer works because they have removed the feature yet again in the latest update. Now there is no way to assign a custom sound to any text message. There is only a choice from a list of lame sounds. WY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS!?

Galaxy S Phones

@userMoWx7A8KfV wrote:

This solution no longer works because they have removed the feature yet again in the latest update. Now there is no way to assign a custom sound to any text message. There is only a choice from a list of lame sounds. WY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS!?

Use Textra.  You can assign custom tones to individuals, but it will not work in a Group text environment.  Assgn tone to person A you get Person A's tone.  Same with person B.  But if you text Person A and Person B in a group message, you get the default tone ONLY

Galaxy S Phones

Rydah you fail to explain how to set individual notifications when the steps you give arent available... I have a galaxy s10... before system update I followed said steps and was good, after however I cant do not and there is no option for customers notification on the message app like there use to be... 

Galaxy S Phones

I don't see this option anywhere on the phone on the Samsung Note 10. Has it been completely removed from the latest model???

Galaxy S Phones

your suggestion above was:  "On the upper right hand side of the screen, press the menu button and enable custom notifications."

I have an S10+.  The menu button does NOT appear on my phone.  I cannot assign a custom notification sound to a group.

I have a group of 58 contacts that I need to assign custom notifications to.   How can I do this??


Galaxy S Phones

I can change the sounds on a message thread from an individual, but not in a group message. How do I change the sound in those? 

Galaxy S Phones

@userJadZBqMWPT wrote:

I can change the sounds on a message thread from an individual, but not in a group message. How do I change the sound in those? 

Sigh....  Short answer is, you can assign a single special tone to the GROUP I believe, but ONLY as long as that message thread exists.  Once you delete that thread, the custom tone goes with it.  The tone is Assigned to the THREAD and not the person.  If you have a special tone for a person, and that person is in that group and they respond to the group, then you will hear the group tone and not the persons tone.  The customization it with the THREAD and not the PERSON.  

I gave up and I use Textra which isn't perfect but one step up.  I can get a message from Person A.  I can customize that message as to that Persons tone and the color of the Text Bubbles.  With the standard app, I can delete that thread and all the customization goes with it.  Under Textra, I can delete that thread and all the customization REMAINS!  

What I would love to see come back is:


Assign a tone to person A. 

Assign a tone to person B. 

Text person A and get Person A tone when they respond.

Text person B and get Person B tone when they respond.

Text person A AND person B in a group text and get person A's tone when they respond and Person B's Tone when they respond, just as it was set up long long ago.  Under Nougant, The custom text tones were assigned to the PERSON through the Contacts App.  Then they took them away and came up with this poor solution. 

If I get a text from my pharmacy saying that my meds are ready, I want a quiet, unobtrusive tone.  If I get a text from my Alarm company, I want a loud obnoxious tone.  If I have a group text working with my family, I want to know who is responding before I have to look.  Same with Work.  Is it the Boss?  Is it a fellow Tech?  Is it the Id10t who no one likes?  You get the idea.  I've been griping about this "Feature" since I got my Note 9 and I'm STILL upset over this.    

Galaxy S Phones
It stinks! Fix it!
Galaxy S Phones
yes we know it moved. it needs to go back to where you can assign it to the contact, not the thread. that way if you're thread gets deleted then when that contact messages you again, then you would still hear the custom notification and know who it is. this is how Apple does it. Android used to do it that way but they removed the feature for some reason which was a very dumb thing to do.